December 1, 2010

Treasurer’s Report:
Starting Balance:    $44710.53
Expenses:             719.24
Ending Balance      43,991.29

CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS at a fundraiser for the Lake Restoration Commission (LRC):
Bubba & Hoss Christmas Party with Gameface and Free Rider, Thursday, December 23rd,  at the St. Marys Union Hall.  8:00p.m. – 12:00a.m., doors open at 7:30 p.m.
(BYOB) Bring your own Cheer.  Set ups will be available to include 7Up, chips, pretzels, ice and Pepsi products.

The 2011 slate of officers were presented for voting.  No officers were opposed. A motion was made and seconded to accept the slate as presented. The 2011 LIA Officers are President, Tim Lovett, Vice President, Mark Piening, Sergeant at Arms, Bob Sachs, Treasurer, Pat Lovett, and Secretary, Kate Anderson. Trustees are Dave Meyers, Tom Rampe, Tony Seger, Matt Tebbe, Jeff Vossler, and  Stan Wilker.

Tim Lovett thanked President Emeritus, Bill Ringo and Secretary, Chris Grimm for their service.

Laura Walker announced a public meeting of the SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT at Coldwater High School, Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 6:30p.m.

Laura encouraged members to adopt a floating wetland this spring.  It may be necessary to buy the plants, requires a photo each week of their progress.

Larry Baker of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary addressed the membership regarding a Grand Lake flotilla.  Larry & Sherriff Gray are encouraging GLSM to separate from the Indian Lake group and have an independent flotilla.  At an Open House November 3rd & 4th they gained 10 members.  They need approximately 10-12 more members.  Boaters would not have to go to Dayton for training and other services.  He mentioned that there are several husband/wife teams and asked our membership to consider volunteering.

A review of some of the items budgeted for next year: Reprinting maps of the lake, LIA sponsorship of a 12-14 man professional ski show during the 50th Anniversary of the Lake Festival. LIA sponsored professional services/support for various projects and fundraisers.
Tom Rampe motioned to accept the budget.  Belinda Froning seconded.  Members voted unanimously to elect the board.

A reminder from Milt Miller of the LRC:   
Please vote daily at
Help the LRC fund the Treatment train project.  Vote once a day in the GLSM category “Planet”.  The project with the most votes wins!  Please network this information.  Solicit votes from your friends anywhere in the country.  Text, email, Face Book.

THANKS TO ROMER’S for their New Year’s Eve fundraiser!  $25.00/ticket.  Dinner will be served at Romer’s in St. Henry, then enjoy the band and ring in the new year at the Celina facility too!  $5.00 of each ticket will be donated to the LRC.  Please support this endeavor.

BAYVIEW DUCK RACES: January 15th at Bayview.  This is a lot of fun.  Actual ducks racing!  A way to beat the winter doldrums and help the lake.

Don’t forget, if you should need a year end tax deduction, the LRC has two affiliates that can make your donation tax deductible.  Call Milt Miller at 419-394-0777 or 419-733-3004 and he will pick up your check or answer questions.

The Carp-a-thon is coming!  Dan Manning and Donna Grube will chair the event.  Considering a 2 day event or a 2 weekend event.  More details.  Would like slogan ideas.  Contact the Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB).  Ball State grad students are helping the CVB come up a marketing strategy to promote GLSM.

Tom Knapke reports that the 10 year plan is still underway and they are prepared to present it for consideration before Christmas.

Brian Miller was welcomed as the Grand Lake St. Marys Interim Park Manager.  Craig Morton is moving to a park closer to his home.  Frank Gianola will be the district manager for Indian Lake, Lake Loramie and Grand Lake St. Marys.  The LIA thanks the park team for their commitment and hard work.

East Bank Marina should soon be under the management of Freedom Outdoors who also has a dry base marina near the Ohio River.  Not fully executed, but optimistic.

Test results are expected by the time the LIA holds their next meeting in February.  Airy Gators are out for the winter.

You may notice a well at the Fish Hatchery.  The ponds will still be filled with lake water, but water from the new well may be used to supplement ponds in summer, or to top off or fill small ponds if necessary.

Dredges are out for the winter, but you will see a bulldozer at Park Grand working on a DMRA site that they hope will take 2 years of dredging to fill.  Tissue samples from the collected fish are in New York now.  Will let you know test results at the next meeting.

The OSU crock pot and contents donated by Mark and Char Piening and won by Ron & Martha White.  The 50/50 winnings were donated back to the LIA Fishing Derby.





Next Meeting February 5, 2011

Celina Moose Lodge, 10:00a.m.

