Grand Lake St. Marys State Park Manager David Faler shared the following updates on 2020 dock permits:
State dock permits
- Have been sent out
- There will be no late fee this year
- If boaters would like to have a state dock they need to call the park office as there are not many unutilized docks and since the staff are working from home it may take awhile to help the boater
- Boaters can use the dock they had from 2019. They need to make sure they have the mylars on the boat and dock from 2019
Private dock permits
- We have not sent out the permits
- I am not sure when they will be sent out
- Dock owners are permitted to put their boat in the water and utilize the dock, seawall tie up, or lift.
- It is in their best interest to have their 2019 mylar on their watercraft and dock
For more information, contact the state park office.