Locals will soon have an opportunity to invest in the Ag Conversions manure reclamation facility to be located in Mercer County. An informational meeting will be held for qualified investors at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 9, 2012, at the Chickasaw Public Library.
If you are interested in learning more about this investment opportunity and would like an invitation to attend the informational meeting, please go to http://www.agconversions.net/investors and fill out a quick form to be contacted by Ag Conversions.
Ag Conversions has developed a new SMART Ag process that converts manure from a low-value, ecologically damaging, unsafe fertilizer into a high-value, odorless, no-pathogen soil supplement.
Learn more about Ag Conversions at http://www.agconversions.net/
See past coverage of Ag Conversions: