"An algae bloom has made this area unsafe for recreational activities. You are strongly advised to avoid any and all contact with or ingestion of the lake water. This includes the launching of any watercraft on the lake."
OEPA, ODNR, ODA, ODH are working together on developing comments on the Tetra Tech report which are due today. It is our intent to share these comments with Tetra Tech, US EPA and other interested parties.
The state partners have met and identified team members which will be working together on identifying immediate and long-term action plans to address the internal and external loading issues at GLSM.
Team members meet yesterday to outline action items and to discuss implementation agendas. It is our hope to have final recommendations by the end of next week.
The State of Ohio continues to work collaboratively with local, state and federal partners on addressing the issues at GLSM
Brian C. Miller, CPM
Assistant Park Manager
Grand Lake St. Marys State Park