Dan Bills, Steve Knapke, Dan Winner, Angie Baldauf, Marv Tuente, Milt Miller, Terry Tuente, Linda May. Not available for picture: Gary Rose, Harry Heitkamp, Jack Heyne, Tony Wolf, Dave Bohman, Tim Winner, Dan Moeller, and Milt Miller, Fund Raising Chairman of the Grand Lake St. Marys Restoration Commission, are shown accepting a check for nearly $10,000 from Angie Baldauf, Bayview Manager, after a recent successful Bayview First Annual Duck Race. Everyone attending the duck races with door prizes, 50/50 drawing, auction and pari-mutual betting, had a great time at the same time supporting the work of Grand Lake St. Marys Restoration Commission.
The money from the races will be used to help finance the Eight Critical Action Priorities from The Grand Lake St. Mary’s Restoration Strategic Plan.
The primary goal of the Grand Lake Restoration Commission is to ensure that the lake is functional for tourism use this year and every year thereafter. To help address this need, community leaders and volunteers came together in December 2009 to form the Grand Lake St. Marys Restoration Commission – a pioneering initiative dedicated to fostering the regional cooperation and resources needed for the environmental renewal and sustainability to the lake. Our initial efforts primarily focused on identifying the proven scientific strategies and technological solutions able to solve our environmental crisis.