By  Joyce L. Alig, President, Mercer County Historical Society

Frank and Janet Ferguson, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, wrote to me and asked if I knew anything about this jug, which contains the logo of sail boats, with the inscription "Grand Lake Celina, Ohio."  This jug has a music box on the bottom of the jug.

I love it when people bring new items of interest about Grand Lake Saint Marys to my attention.  I have never seen anything like this jug, which sports a painting of sailboats on Grand Lake.

This next November, on Sunday afternoon, the 11th, the Mercer County Historical Society will host the 11th Annual Autumn Post Card Exhibit, which will feature post cards of Grand Lake Saint Marys, as well as Memorabilia of this Lake.  Members of the Lake Improvement Association might have come across historical photographs and/or items relating to the Lake's history, as they work to protect the future of Grand Lake Saint Marys.  The public is welcome to put their post cards and photographs, and Memorabilia of this Lake on exhibit at the Mercer County Historical Museum.

We have time to think about this idea these upcoming months.  This summer, we will have tourists visiting the Lake.  Perhaps, some of them might have items of interest from their visits to the lake, over the years.  Perhaps, the Convention and Visitors' Bureau might be interested in an exhibit of items related to the history of the lake.

Maybe someone will find another Grand Lake Celina Ohio musical jug, similar to the one in the photograph, and bring it to display in November?

[The Mercer County Historical Society President Joyce Alig, may be contacted at 3054 Burk-St. Henry Road, Saint Henry, OH 45883,  or histalig@bright.net or 419-678-2614.]

