The LIA Color Run/Walk 5K will be held June 3, 2017, as part of our Summer Kickoff event.
Start time is 11 a.m.; be sure to arrive early to check in and pick up your shirts and color packs!
Meet at the 1st Shelter House on the East Bank at Grand Lake St. Marys.
Scroll down for route, parking, and other important information!


The Color Run will be held RAIN OR SHINE! In the event of lightning, we’ll delay the event as-needed until the lightning passes. There will be no refunds; in the event of severe weather with no reasonable way to conduct the run on June 3, the LIA board will determine, at its sole discretion, whether to cancel or reschedule.
- Meet and start at the 1st shelter house on the East Bank (see the map at )
- Registration will begin at 9:30am – please arrive in plenty of time to pick up your shirts, color packets, and grab bags so you will be ready by the 11am start time. We have nearly 500 runners/walkers, so check-in will take some time!
- The shelter house has men’s and women’s restrooms available, and we’ll have porta-potties available this year as well.
- Additional color packs will be on sale for $2 each or 3 for $5 prior to the run
- We ordered a handful of extra shirts; these shirts are to cover us in case we made a mistake on anyone’s order. IF there are any shirts left they will go on sale at 10:45am for $15 each. Remember, you had to register by May 20 to get a free shirt with your registration
Please enter the area from State Route 364, as Parkway Drive will be closed to the west
- Water stations will be located near the 1st and 2nd mile markers
- All shelter houses along the route have restrooms
- One color station will additionally offer a hose to spray you before receiving color (the water helps the color stick) – if you’d prefer to not get wet, simply run/walk off the path
- If desired, bring eyewear, bandanas, etc. to help keep color powder out of your eyes, mouth and hair!
- Marys Fire Dept. EMTs will be available in case of emergency
- LIA volunteers will also be available at the color and water stations if you need assistance
- The finish line is located near the Villa Nova shelter house
- Restrooms will be available near the finish line
- After the run, you will receive:
- A free bottle of water
- A free cup of Dannon yogurt
- A free drink ticket redeemable for beer at Summer Kickoff
- Marys Fire Dept. EMTs will be available in case of emergency
- Please stick around and enjoy the free concerts with Muddsock, Kaitlyn Schmit & the Move, and MUSTANG SALLY, plus the great kids’ activities, vendors, and cornhole and beer pong tournaments at Summer Kickoff! Or, go shower and come back for lunch! Learn more about Summer Kickoff here:
- Here’s a method for preserving your Color Run shirt:
Please thank our amazing sponsors with your business!