The first sediment collector to be deployed as part of the Grand Lake St. Marys restoration initiative has been installed on Chickasaw Creek.
This is the analysis from the first of a three year study on the Chickasaw by Heidelberg University in conjunction with NRCS:
—91.4% of P-load occurred in top flow regime (representing 10% of year or 36 days with highest stream flow)
47.8% of that occurred during top 4 days
66.4% of that occurred during top 7 days
— 7.5% of P-load occurred next highest flow regime 10-40% flow days or next 110 highest flow days
—0.96% of P-load occurred in next highest flow regime 40-60% flow days or 72 highest flow days
—0.04% of P-load occurred in bottom flow regime 60-100% flow days or 147 days with least flow
Top 5 Runoff related nutrient loading events contributed ~77% of annual P-load from Chickasaw Creek in water year 2009:
Dec 24-28, 2008 = 13.1%
Feb 8-12, 2009 = 21.1%
Apr 3-7, 2009 = 15.3%
May 1, 2009 = 20.2%
June 11, 2009 = 7.2%