The Lake Improvement Association held its annual Kids Fishing Derby on Sept. 12, 2018 at the East Bank Pond at Grand Lake St. Marys. We are thrilled that 167 children were able to enjoy the day, assisted by more than 103 aides, parents, teachers, and bus drivers, plus 41 on-site volunteers and many more who sent cookies.
We’d like to thank all the volunteers who helped make the 2018 Kids Fishing Derby successful; ODNR employees David Faler, Kara Birt, Byron Frank and staff, who helped with the event and ensured the park looked amazing; ODNR wildlife officers, who provided the bait and helped the children fish; park volunteers, who handled and repaired fishing poles; Pantry Pride grocery, which helped arrange food and supplies; Villa Nova Drive Thru, for the use of their large coolers and the ice needed to cool the drinks; and Vanderhorst Wholesalers, for providing the bait.
These volunteers came together to help the LIA host a special day for developmentally disabled children in Auglaize and Mercer Counties, and we’re incredibly grateful for their support.
Hometown Stations sent a news crew to cover the event (watch here), and you can check out photos taken by Mercer County ESC here.