Grand Lake St. Marys officials reported improvement in water quality at the August 2013 Lake Improvement Association Member Meeting. The Daily Standard's William Kincaid covered the meeting. Highlights from Kincaid's article include:
- Adding oxygen to channels on Grand Lake is improving water quality and spurring the return of aquatic vegetation not seen for a long time.
- Milt Miller, manager of the Lake Restoration Commission, offered a positive report on the Prairie Creek Treatment Train on the south side of the lake, a system that acts as a natural filter to reduce harmful nutrients such as phosphorous – the main nutrient feeding the lake's toxic blue-green algae.
- Lake officials are seeing tremendous success with a treatment train project and oxygen-emitting linear aeration.
- Water comes in the train raw from Prairie Creek and is leaving with 10-fold decrease in phosphorous, Milt Miller said as he showed pictures of the area.
- The state is providing $2.1 million for the development of a Coldwater Creek Treatment Train, which will be constructed at the state wildlife refuge near U.S. 127 and state Route 703.