An eight hour, one day BOATING SAFETY CLASS will be conducted by the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary at Indian Lake from 8AM to 4:30PM, October 15, 2011. The class will be held at the Moundwood Boat Ramp, at the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Station, 7490 Edgewater Ave. Huntsville, Oh. 43324. This will be the last class offered in 2011.


Course lessons are designed for boaters of all ages with topics that include Ohio Boating Laws, safety equipment, boat handling, and rules of the road. This course meets The State of Ohio educational requirements for boaters born on or after January 1, 1982 and is NASBLA approved. The cost is $30.00.


Pre-registration is required for the course. At that time details will be given, lunch arrangements discussed, and course materials reviewed. Registered students are assured that they will be notified of any change in the meeting time or location. Reservations may be made by calling Byron Durig 937-581-1066, Larry Baker 419-268-1141 in Celina, or Mary Clem 937-843-5146 at Indian Lake.


If you are interested in learning about U.S Coast Guard Auxiliary and their mission here on Indian Lake and Grand Lake you may contact Clem or Baker.

