The Lake Improvement Association will hold its annual elections on Saturday, December 3, 2022, during the LIA Member Meeting at the Celina Moose. As required by the by-laws, the election committee consisting of trustees Seth Brigham, Michael Emans and Brian Monroe will conduct the election for the following positions (current officers, trustees and upcoming seats denoted):
- President: Open
- Vice President: Jeff Vossler
- Secretary: Eric Morris
- Treasurer: Diane and Ted Bertke
- Master at Arms: Brian Morris
- Trustee (2-year term): Tom Rampe
- Trustee (2-year term): Stu Wagner
- Trustee (2-year term): Jack Albers
Nominations will be accepted by email at: feedback@lakeimprovement.com and in person until the close of the November 5, 2022 LIA Member Meeting.