Sunday, May 6, 2012 has been designated a day of prayer for Grand Lake. Both the Celina and St. Mary's Ministerial Associations have given their support to this endeavor. It is our hope that hundreds or even thousands of folks around the Grand Lake region will take some time to pray for our lake this Sunday. Here are a few prayer ideas from our St. Paul's prayer ministry…
A Prayer for Grand Lake:
Heavenly Father, You brought the waters together at the beginning of time. Your face was over them. We ask You to shine Your face on Grand Lake. We ask You to turn these waters into a fresh, clean fountain that Your creation may be praised. Father, You are the Great Physician and Healer of all disease. Heal these waters and your people. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer Focus Points:
1. State and local officials
2. Unity in finding solutions
3. Community Impact
4. Wildlife protection
5. Continued funding
Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed, save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.—Jeremiah 17:14