LIA Membership Meeting

10:00 a.m. Feb. 3, 2018 Celina Moose Lodge


Nick Rentz welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance.

Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report.

Stan Wilker talked about the upcoming February dance to be held on February 24, 2018. He said The Bishops, a Musical Journey, will be the band of the evening. He asked the membership to assist in finding door prizes etc for the event. Stan said there were about 300 tickets sold already and there are villas left if folks want to rent a room from Romers.

Nick Rentz spoke about the Survey which was put out to get some feedback. He said he plans to review them and present the LIA 2018 Goals at the March Meeting. Nick directed the membership to take the survey for their chance to help the LIA and win some cash.

Tom Knapke- noted about the dedication at the Ag/Water Quality building at WSU. He also updated members on wetland projects around the lake.

Dave Faler gave quick updates for the LRC and ODNR respectively. David said the lake level is -2.67. He also gave dates for some important events, there are several 5k hikes in the near future and lake clean up day is April 21. David also warned folks to be careful on the lake ice as thickness can be deceiving.

Tereas Dirksen updated members on her efforts to find solutions for water quality. She spoke about their application for the 319 Grant through the EPA.  On September 9th there will be tours of wetlands, water, and farm areas to educate those interested.

Jeff Keller was present to speak about their SWDC efforts. He noted you can get a soil test for $5. He said the tests are used to determine if and how much manure should be used. Talk to his office to schedule a sol test.

Tom Grabow First noted his team dredged 455,000 Cubic Yards in 2017. He then introduced and recognized his team members and spoke about their respective dredges. Presiden Rentz also spoke to the outstanding work their teams have accomplished over the past few years.

Nick Rentz commented on the March Members Meeting noting the Polar Plunge will be the same day. He also said the April Meeting will be used as a debate for Keith Faber’s open congressional seat. He said it’s a great time to ask water quality and ag questions to potential legislators. Nick then opened the floor to questions from members.

Jeff Vossler drew the winner of the 50/50.

The Members Meeting concluded at 10:45am

Submitted by,

Eric Morris


Lake Improvement Association

