LIA Membership Meeting
10:00 a.m. February 6, 2021
Facebook Live Stream
Keith Westrick welcomed everyone present and everyone watching on facebook to the meeting. Keith also thanks former LIA President Rentz for his service.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report. Ted said the LIA’s YTD net profit is $14,437.00 with roughly $5,440.00 in the St. Marys Foundation and $51,987.72 in the LIA checking account.
Keith Westrick went over the 2021 goals. Keith said our goals continued from 2020 are to support water quality initiatives, political activism, spread good news, and report GLSM activities including kayak rentals. Keith gave additional goals keeping in mind Covid-19. Keith stated the plan is to re gain some activates we were unable to hold due to the pandemic. Keith said there will be an online auction held in place of the winter dance fundraiser. Keith announced the new LIA logo and t-shirt designs for future purchase.
Dave Faler gave the park update. Dave said the lake level is -8.19” after the latest draw down. Dave said the west bank dam clearing is finished and stabilized for a spring inspection. By partnering with the dredge team the state was able to fix docks in the camp grounds and It’s It was finished. Dave said “no touch” amenities will be added to the state park to help slow the spread of germs and viruses. Dave then reminded the membership on ice safety.
Theresa Dirksen gave an update for AG/SWCD. Theresa noted on the projects and grants related to the Quick Wash and KDS technologies. She said the projects are scheduled for early spring. Theresa noted on two areas recently purchased by the Grande Lake St. Marys Lake Facilities Authority (LFA). One being the Gilland Nature Preserve is a purchased area for walkways for a great place to experience nature. The other being an area by Burntwood Creek where a walking path, observation areas, and wetlands with a nontraditional treatment train will eventually be open to the public. Theresa also updated members and answered questions on Chickasaw Creek. She noted the annual tree and fish sales are ongoing and to get orders in ASAP from the SWCD website. She talked about the two scholarships available, which are available through her office. Her update can also be found on the LIA facebook page or website.
Keith Westrick reminded members of the annual calendar put out by Friends of Grand Lake which can be purchased at the visitor’s center.
Dr. Steven Jacquemin with Wright State gave his 2020 annual update. He said the update is posted on the LIA Website for anyone interested in it. Dr. Jacquemin said these data reports are used year to year to determine how improve the lake.
Tom Grabow gave the dredge report. Tom discussed the 2020 recap, what they are working on currently, and next years’ plan. Last year, he said, their efforts were hindered due to the pandemic but they were on track for another record season. Tom said his employees put out over 800 hours of informational videos during the statewide “stay at home order.” Currently they are working on equipment maintenance and getting ready for next season. He then outlined where they will be dredging around the lake but said they will need to determine where to construct DMRA’s.
Keith Westrick thanked Jeff Vossler for working on the membership for 2021. Jeff came to the podium to thank those who are generously donating in addition to their membership renewal. He then outlined the 2021 membership process going forward. Jeff noted on some improvements to the lighthouse including electrical, aesthetic, and landscaping items.
Keith Westrick then concluded the membership meeting.
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association