Lake Improvement Association
Membership Meeting
February 5, 2021
Keith Westrick began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report. He said the LIA checking account has $50,134.00 and $21,896.00 in the St Marys Foundation.
Keith Westrick talked about the goals the LIA is working toward in 2022. He spoke about all the projects and donations the LIA’s funds are used for. Keith said we want to politically active and continue to spread good news around the lake. Keith talked about the “Review of 2021” presentation Brian Morris posed on the LIA website. Keith said a handicap kayak launch and another playground are projects the LIA is working toward. Algae bloom numbers will be available to the public and promoting safe lake activities are goals as well.
Jeff Vossler talked about the Winter Icebreaker Dance to be held at Romers on February 19th. He said there are 250 tickets sold to date and cooperate tables are still available. Jeff said the music will be rock and roll genres.
Jeff Vossler also gave a quick Northwood Lighthouse update.
Dr. Jacquemin with Wright State University have a presentation, his presentation can be found on the LIA website.
Dave Faler with ODNR gave an update. Dave said there has been .75” rainfall this year. Dave talked about 12’ wide paths that have been placed around the campgrounds back end camp sites. He said over 29 hazardous trees have been removed. Dave said he has hired two new employees since the last meeting, Dave said there has been a lot of compliments about the parks cleanliness since their hiring. Dave noted the lake ice is not safe to be on. Dave talked about the recently completed dredge DMRA.
Keith Westrick noted on a final few things. He said the deadline for tree saplings sale from Soil and Water is March 5th. He reminded everyone to come out to the Icebreaker and re iterated how to get tickets. Keith said membership cards will be sent out shortly. Keith announced the 50/50 winner and concluded the meeting.
The meeting was concluded.