LIA Members Meeting

10 a.m. June 7th, 2014


Celina Moose Lodge


Board Members Present: President Tim Lovett, Vice President Mark Piening, and Sgt of Arms Dave Eyink, Treasurer Ted Bertke, and Secretary Eric Morris Trustees: Jeff Vossler and Tom Rampe. Absent were: Trustees: Stan Wilker, Brian Morris and Seth Brigham due to prior obligations.

Tim Lovett welcomed everyone and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report:

Current Balance                $ 41,179.46


Mark Piening reported on the 4th Annual Golf Outing that is to be held next weekend on June 14th at Northmoor Golf Club. Mark said that it is $45 per person which includes lunch and greens fees. Mark said that Jason Romer of Romers catering is donating all of the food for the event. Mark said that he is still looking for volunteers and hole sponsors. Mark mentioned that as of now there are 30 sponsors which is 5 more than last year.


Mark Piening offered a report on the 2014 Membership Renewal for 2014. Mark mentioned that of all the renewals received to date 77% have donated extra with their member dues. Mark also mentioned that at this time in 2013 the membership dues were around $18,000 and at the current time there has been an increase of 7% for a total of $19,930. Marked thanked the membership for all of their donations and support so far this year. Mark also notified the membership that Matt Forwick was the winner of the Kindle Fire HD that was given raffled off for renewing his membership.


Mark Piening Spoke about the 14h annual Bar Stool Open to be held on August 9th 2014. Mark said that the LIA needs about 50 volunteers for the event. Mark said that several of the bars have committed to the event so far.


Dave Eyink stepped up and recognized Ed Jeffries for donating $1000.00 to the May 31st fishing tournament. Mr. Jeffries collects old trophies and uses the parts to build new ones. Once Ed has built a new trophy he gets the plates printed and in this case helped out the fishing derby. Dave thanked Ed for his donation.


Milt Miller gave the LRC report. Milt said that he has 3 treatment train projects going on this year. Milt said that he is excited for all of the projects for this year because he is getting closer to his goal of putting treatment trains on all of the channels on the south west side of the lake. Milt also wanted to thank Captain Mark Heinle from the Mercer County Sheriff’s Office for his assistance in getting some inmates to paint the main unit of the bulk head.


Tom Grabow was present to talk about the new dredge named “Hoedag” which is in the final stages of construction. Tom said that the dredge should be in operation starting around the last week of June or the first week of July.

Terry Mescher with Soil and Water: Terry had a quick update. Terry said that he has denied six CNMPs and gave a short explanation as to why they were declined.


Roger Bowersock reported for the Grand Lake Marathon that is to be held on September 27th. He explained the route to the membership saying that Grand Lake is “perfect” for a marathon. He showed the medals for the various event lengths. Roger also mentioned that there will be a Kids Marathon with medals for the kids to enjoy as well. He noted that currently there are 850 participants from 22 states in all of the events combined. He then asked the membership for help finding roughly 100 volunteers for the marathon and explained several stations where the marathon could use help.


Ken Krieger and Laura Johnson with Heidelberg University (National Center for Water Quality Research) was present to report on Tributary Monitoring. Ken spoke about the tributary monitoring stations that in the Grand Lake St. Marys area. Laura Johnson then explained the specifics of how the water is monitored primarily in Coldwater Creek and Chickasaw Creek. She pointed out several trends in the water quality that differ from Grand Lake area creeks and other creeks.


Tim Lovett Opened the floor for Q/A. A member announced there are two fishing tournament in the coming weeks and the Freedom Days. Tim Lovett said that the LIA would make sure those events are on our website for people to get details.


Tim Lovett opened the floor for questions and comments.

Dave Eyink drew the 50/50. The $15 was donated to the Kids Fishing Derby.


The Members Meeting concluded at 11:25am

Submitted by,

Eric Morris

LIA Secretary

