LIA Membership Meeting
10:00 a.m. June 5, 2021
Celina Moose Lodge
Keith Westrick welcomed everyone present and everyone watching on Facebook to the meeting. He asked everyone to stand for the pledge of allegiance. He also thanked all the folks involved in helping the lake water quality as the toxic water signs have been removed.
Keith Westrick gave the treasurers report for Ted Bertke. Keith said there is roughly $45000.00 in the bank account.
Tom Grabow gave the dredge report. Tom informed the membership to look out for the east side park grand area dredge line. He spoke about future wetlands projects. He said the Hoedag just finished at the west beach area and will move to the state park. Pump a Little will be Montezuma Creek. Tom answered questions and thanked everyone for being safe around the dredge lines.
Stephen Jacqueman with Wright State Lake Campus gave a water quality report which can be found on the LIA website and Facebook page.
Deve Faler talked about projects going on around the lake and campgrounds. He said sand is finished at west beach and the restroom is open. Dave thanked the St. Marys Rotary for donating 3 nice picnic tables to the beach. Dave said since the signs were removed on May 26th he has seen a lot of activity at the beach. Dave said there is a shortage of lifeguards but the pool is open. He asked for applicants so the slide can be opened. West bank restroom construction will be finished soon. Dave answered questions from the membership. He noted the Fall Fest is planned for September 10-12, 2021 and Halloween is October 1-3, 2021.
Keith Wetrick talked about the new Scavenger Hunt event held by the LIA on June 19th and 20th. He explained the family event and how to participate in it.
Keith Wetrick announced the lights which will be placed on signs around the lake so navigation will be better. Keith said Jeff Vossler has been working hard at setting this program up with the Grand Lake Rec Club. Keith said if any business would like a sign with light they just need to pay half for ths sign and the LIA can work with them to get one installed.
Keith Westrick with the help of Jeff Vossler announced the winner of the 50/50 then talked about some lighting the LIA is installing at different channels around the lake. He then concluded the membership meeting.
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association