LIA Membership Meeting

10:00 a.m. March 1, 2019 Celina Moose Lodge


Nick Rentz welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance.

Nick Rentz gave the treasurers report. Nick said there is around $45000 in the bank with an additional $5000 in the St. Marys Foundation.

Nick Rentz gave a report on the proposed changes from ODA to the watershed. He said there haven’t been any changes since the last meeting however there will be a meet and greet at the Reagan Day Celebration on April 9th.

Jeff Vossler gave a report for the February Dance Event held February 23, 2019. Jeff said the Bishops were be back for this year’s event. Jeff said there were 400 tickets sold with around $10,000 net after the event. Jeff noted the lily pads and silent auction were a success. Jeff said the event went very well and has next years’ event will be held on February 22, 2020. Jeff thanked Romers for donating the venue and all the volunteers for their help.

Nick Rentz talked about 2019 Membership Drive. Nick noted memberships are in great standing and asked for members to rejoin for the coming year.

David Faler gave the ODNR report. Dave said the lake level is up + 1” with a total rain of 6+ inche this year. Dave spoke about ice safety, he said to remind those of our friends to be safe on the ice and stay away from open water. Dave noted on the great fishing on the lake so far this year. Ave said dock fees are due soon.

Tom Grabow  gave his report. Tom said he is planning 13 dredging projects in 2019. The projects include: Otterbein, Southmore Shores, Harmons Landing, Breezewood E and W, Beaver and Coldwater Creeks, East Bank, West Beach, East Bank Marina and Riley Bay. Tom noted he will be moving dredges into West Beach as soon as he can since permitting has been approved.

Nick Rentz reported for the on the West Beach Project. Nick explained the project and claimed it should be done in a relative short amount of time. Nick answered questions regarding the project and said a rendering will be up on the website soon.

Theresa Dirksen gave the Ag Solutions report. She asked members to help with project ideas to create a plan with goals which would enable qualification into a 319 Grant. If awarded, the grant would give money to complete the projects needed around the lake. One example of an idea would be to remove the water quality warning signs from the lake. Below that, Theresa explains, objectives would be lined out to meet that goal. Theresa is looking for many more ideas, objectives, and goals to create a plan and meet the qualifications of the grant which she needs to have completed by early April for submission.

Jeff Keller gave the Soil and Water report. Jeff said the meet and greet with the Ohio Director of Agriculture is set for Monday at 3PM. The meet and greet will be located at his office. Jeff noted the manure application ban is now over until next winter so members may see applications on fields.

Kip Wright with the LRC gave his report. Kip introduced himself and spoke about his observations while transitioning into his new role. Kip is hopeful for the lake and is looking forward to serving on the LIA.

Nick Rentz then opened the floor for membership’s questions.  Jeff Vossler read the 50/50 winner.

The membership meeting concluded at 10:59 am.

Submitted by,

Eric Morris


Lake Improvement Association

