LIA Membership Meeting
10:00 a.m. March 6, 2021
Keith Westrick welcomed everyone present and everyone watching on Facebook to the meeting.
Jeff Vossler introduced a book made by the Mercer County Historical Society. The book is about the oil wells on Grand Lake. Jeff said the book can be purchased on their website. Jeff also talked about the Northwood Lighthouse project. He said the project is still ongoing and will update at the next meeting. Jeff noted the membership drive is almost up and everyone who renewed to date will get their membership card around the end of March.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report. Ted said the LIA’s YTD net profit is around $15,000.00 with $5,440.70 in the St. Marys Foundation and $55,163.94 in the LIA checking account.
Keith Westrick is looking forward to a great year with LIA activities coming back.
Sean Drew with Mercer Soil and Water talked about soil tests available through his organization. He went over the process of testing and benefits of conducting the tests. Sean said the tests are $5 through the Halen Ag Center in Coldwater thanks to the Ag Center and the LIA.
Theresa Dirksen gave an update for AG/SWCD. Theresa talked about the West Beach Project in St. Marys. This year the dredging will be completed again and additional sand will be added. At that time, there will be some chemical treatments to help with algae and phosphorus. Tests will be conducted by Wright State and results will be analyzed. She said Prairie Creek settling ponds are to be expanded and adding pesticide to help control the carp population in the wetlands. Theresa spoke about other manure treating experiments being funded by grants.
Dave Faler gave the park update. Dave started by recognizing a moment of silence for a fallen ODNR officer, Jason Lagore. Dave then talked about ice safety in channels, claiming folks should not be on the ice this time of year.
Doug Rentz talked about new T-shirt designs which will be available as a fund raiser for the LIA. Doug showed the designs and explained them. He said the shirts will be $25 each and be available on the Bodia website.
Keith Westrick thanked Jeff Vossler for working on the membership for 2021. Keith said the LIA is funding some benches to the state park. He mentioned ads that were purchased on the new radio station Lake 100. Keith also introduced a new scavenger hunt event held by the LIA in June. He said the event will be accessible by boat or vehicle around the lake.
Keith Westrick then concluded the membership meeting.
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association