Minutes of the 11/03/2012 Meeting
Officers in attendance were, President Tim Lovett, Vice-president Mark Piening, Treasurer Pat Lovett, and Master at Arms Dave Eyink. Trustees in attendance were Dave Meyer, Tom Rampe, Tony Seger, Stan Wilker, and Jeff Vossler. Trustee Brian Morris and Secretary Anderson were excused from attendance at the meeting.
Donna Grube of the Aug. & Mercer Co. Convention & Visitor Bureau briefed the membership on the plans for the 2013 “Get the Carp Out of Here Derby”. It will be held in May again. Similar to crappie tournaments held in the past, tagged carp will be included in the derby. Tagged carp will be worth $100 and will be sponsored. Also prizes will be given for the most carp and largest caught. Donna noted that Tony Seger was the first sponsor for a tagged carp and requested the membership to consider sponsoring a tagged carp. She noted that 8,142 pounds of carp were removed from the Lake in 2011 Carp Derby and 12,843 pounds were removed in 2012. President Lovett noted that the carp derby helps to improve the Lake and brings business back to the Lake. He asked that the LIA consider sponsoring one of the $500 prizes. Bob Froning made a motion to for the LIA to sponsor a $500 prize which was seconded and unanimously approved by the membership.
Trustee Tom Rampe reminded the membership that 2012 LIA election will be held at the December first meeting. There are five officer positions and the four trustee positions to be voted for. The nominations will close at the end of this meeting. Tom reported that there are two candidates running for the president’s position, Tim Lovett and Kate Anderson. There is one candidate running for the vice-president’s position. There are no candidates running for the treasurer’s or secretary’s positions. There is one candidate running for the master-at-arms position. There are four candidates now running for the four trustee positions to be filled. Tom strongly urged the members to consider running or to nominate individuals to run for the nine positions to be filled in the election, especially the treasurer and secretary positions. There were no nominations made. Tom stated he will be available during the meeting if someone wants to run or make a nomination.
President Lovett listed the many ways this year’s recipient of the LIA’s 2012 Guardian of the Lake Award had tirelessly supported the LIA’s activities and many other activities in support of the Lake over many years. He then announced that Gayle Meyers was the recipient of the LIA’s 2012 Guardian of the Lake Award and presented Gayle with the award. Congratulations to Gayle on receiving the well deserved award and thanks to her for her tireless efforts to support and improve the Lake.
President Lovett then introduced Conservation Engineer Terry Mescher from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources who is assisting in the implementation of the distressed watershed rules in the Lake’s watershed. Terry reported on the status of numerous programs and methods being pursued to reduce nutrient runoff in the watershed. In response to a query from member Bill Ringo, Terry indicated nearly all of the animal producers in the watershed have completed or shortly will complete their required nutrient management plans. Possibly 5 to 10 of the producer’s have not identified sufficient acreage to properly apply their manure. These producers are moving their excess manure out of the watershed which appears to be a cost effective for them. Bill also inquired how the public will be notified if any producer is given approval to spread manure during winter months which shortly will be allowed only if Soil and Water approves it. The public should be notified when the approval is given or nuisance calls will result on the spreading to the Mercer County Soil and Water Office. Terry indicated the public notification process is being developed and should be in place when the winter manure spreading ban is implemented.
President Lovett encouraged the members to attend the December 1 LIA meeting since Karl Gebhart will be the guest speaker. Karl is the Chief of the Ohio Division of Soil and Water Resources. His office is responsible for implementing the distressed watershed regulations and will be able to answer the members’ questions concerning them.
Terry indicated there are still 319 funds available to assist homeowners in repairing or replacing failing home septic systems in the watershed. Homeowners wishing to obtain funds to repair or replace a failing septic system should contact Laura Walker at the Mercer County Soil and Water, phone (419) 586-3289.
Trustee Dave Meyers advised the membership that as a result of members’ input and adverse publicity, the restoration of the oil derrick site announced at last month’s meeting has been put on hold indefinitely and is being reviewed.
President Lovett provided the membership with an update on several Lake Restoration Commission activities. The pilot testing of KRIA ionizer at the West Bank is completed and the third party evaluation of its performance is being completed. The LRC has taken steps to counter the Columbus Dispatch article which incorrectly reported the 2012 alum treatment on the Lake was not successful. (Check out the interview with Dr. Harry Gibbons of Tetra Tec on the LIA website in which Dr. Gibbons indicates the 2012 alum treatment was successful.) The LRC held a teleconference with the management of the Phosloc company which has indicated they will be submitting a proposal to test their product in the Lake. The Solar Bee company is also going to submit a proposal to test their product in the Lake. The installation of pipe connecting the Prairie Creek to the treatment train has begun. The LRC is working with Streamside to sell the in stream collectors and recover funds the LRC spent on them. The test of the Airy Gator installed in the St. Marys boat club channel was successful and major improvement in the water quality in the channel was observed when the Airy Gator operated.
President Lovett indicated that aeration has been shown to improve water quality and the experts strongly recommend it as a tool to improve the water quality in the Lake. Trustee Tom Rampe advised the members that the linear aeration system he installed in his channel significantly improved the water quality adjacent to his property. He also told the members that the linear aeration system and barley straw Trustee Jeff Vossler installed in the channel by his house greatly improved its water quality. This fall when the microcystin levels in the Lake were averaging in the 60’s, several times the allowable standards, the levels were below the allowable standards or not detectable by Jeff’s home. Tom strongly advised the members to consider installing an effective aeration system in their channels next year if they are fed up with water quality in it.
President Lovett opened the meeting for members’ questions and comments. Bill Ringo inquired when the report by Tetra Tec on the 2012 alum treatment will be available and will the Lake receive a whole Lake alum treatment next year. Tim indicated he did not know when the report will be available and State Directors will make the decision on a treatment for next year after they receive the report. Bill indicated the local experts have indicated the algal bloom problem is caused by runoff and the alum treatments have not kept the toxins below acceptable levels. Bill indicated the solution to the toxin problem is for the “Farmers to keep their farms on their farms” and that the LIA should concentrate on the watershed issues. Tim indicated all of the stakeholders have to work together to resolve the algal bloom problems in the Lake.
A member suggested that consideration should be given to applying alum to the streamwater coming into the Lake.
A member indicated Renolds, Indiana, has successfully reduced agricultural runoff through the use of manure digesters which are also a source of renewable energy.
In response to a member’s comment, Terry Mescher indicated there has been limited interest by farmers in installing 200 foot filter strips adjacent to drainage ditches and streams. The land rental rates available to farmers under the CREP program for installing filter strips are too low given the high cost of farmland in the watershed.
A member commented that all of tiles installed in the fields in the watershed in recent years is significantly contributing to the flooding downstream of the Lake and allows nutrients to bypass the filter strips that have been installed.
The 50-50 drawing was won by Fran Landers.
These minutes were prepared by Trustee Tom Rampe
The next LIA meeting is at 10 AM on December 1, 2012, at the Moose Lodge.