LIA Members Meeting
10 a.m. November 1, 2014
Celina Moose Lodge
Board Members Present: President Tim Lovett, Vice President Mark Piening, Sgt. of Arms Dave Eyink Treasurers Ted and Diane Bertke, Secretary Eric Morris, Trustees Tom Rampe, Seth Brigham, Brian Morris & Stan Wilker. Absent were: Jeff Vossler
Tim Lovett welcomed everyone and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report: Ted said the checkbook balance is $36,963.00. Tim Lovett explained to the membership that a big chunk of the LIA’s expenses for the month went to repairing two damaged Airy Gators to be used in the lake. Tim said he is looking to put one in the Otterbein area and the other may go in several different areas around the lake. Tim said he is looking for another group to take ownership of the Airy Gators so that the costs involved with running and maintaining them is no longer a responsibility of the LRC.
Brian Morris spoke about the Flag Football Tournament held on October 11th. Brian said the event made $1700.00 with around 16 teams participating. Brian thanked Buffalo Wild Wings, Unique Awards, and the City of St. Marys for their contributions before during after the event. Brian said that if the LIA decides to hold the tournament again next year he will make some rule changes which will help in making the event run more smoothly.
Brian Morris introduced a playground set that the LIA has purchased to improve an area of the lake that doesn’t currently have a playground set. The LIA is looking into several areas to put the playground. Brian said more information will come as the LIA decides where and when to put the playground. President Lovett thanked Brain for taking the lead on this project and obtaining the equipment at a greatly reduced price.
Mark Piening brought the membership up to speed on the Windy Point Restoration Project. Mark said the LIA has decided to put around 40 tons of rip tap rock ranging from 6” to 12” on the shoreline to help with erosion on Windy Point. Mark said that Brian Miller will place the rock as well as plant grass seed in the area to complete the Windy Point Restoration.
Tom Rampe informed the membership that election nominations will close at the end of today’s meeting and requested nominations from the membership. Once they are closed an election will take place and the 2015 year officers and board members will be elected at the December meeting.
Greg McClinch Wright State Agriculture Program. Greg was present to talk about the Agriculture and Food Science Program that Wright State has available. Greg talked about both programs and gave a summary of his role in them since he came on in January. If there is further interest in the programs, Greg said there is an Open House on November 20th from 4pm to 7pm to talk with the community and students about what is going on with the programs and the lake. Greg answered a few questions and concluded his presentation.
Tim Lovett and Mark Piening on behalf of the LIA awarded Brad Fisher with the Annual Guardian of the Lake Award. Tim said that Brad has made many contribution to the lake area including his role in the Oil Derrick Project and the Grand Lake Recreation Club and many other endeavors he takes part in around the lake. Brad thanked the LIA for the award and recognized the many people that have helped him in restoring the lake.
Tim Lovett reported for Milt Miller and Brian Miller for the Lake Update. Tim said that the Prairie Creek Treatment Train addition is nearly complete. Tim said that the treatment train will be up and running early next year as well as other treatment train areas. Tim said the lake level has dropped by 8” since mid-October.
Terry Mescher informed the membership of the regulations about manure applications once the ground freezes. Terry also spoke briefly about the current problem areas and his progress on them. Terry said that if people are seeing problems to call him or Francis Springer at 614-395-6210 or 419-234-4678 respectively.
Tim Lovett opened the floor for questions and comments.
Tom Rampe asked the membership for officer and board member nominations. There were no nominations so he closed the nominations for the election to be held in December. Tom read off the following names who have been nominated for the board by the nominating committee. President Tim Lovett, VP Mark Piening, Secretary Eric Morris, Sergeant of Arms Dave Eyink, Treasure Ted/Diane Berke, Jeff Vossler Trustee, Seth Brigham Trustee, Nick Rentz Trustee.
Dave Eyink drew the winner of the 50/50. Dennis Chappy won the drawing who donated the money back to the LIA.
The Members Meeting concluded at 11am
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
LIA Secretary