LIA Members Meeting
10 a.m. November 7, 2015
Celina Moose Lodge
Board Members Present:, President Tim Lovett, Vice President Mark Piening, Sgt. of Arms Dave Eyink Treasurers Ted and Diane Bertke, Secretary Eric Morris, Trustees: Jeff Vossler, Tom Rampe , Brian Morris & Stan Wilker. Absent were: Seth Brigham
Tim Lovett welcomed everyone and led the pledge of allegiance. Tim also welcomed and thanked all veterans of the Armed Forces.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report:
Election Committee: Nick Rentz explained each officer’s duties and informed the membership that election nominations will close at the end of the today’s meeting. Once they are closed an election will take place and the 2015 year officers and board members will be elected at the December meeting. Nick also read the bylaws and election procedures. Nick read off the following names who are up for election this year: President Tim Lovett, VP Mark Piening, Secretary Eric Morris, Sergeant of Arms Dave Eyink, Treasurer Ted/Diane Bertke, Stan Wilker Trustee, Brian Morris Trustee, Tom Rampe Trustee.
Tim Lovett presented the Guardian of the Lake Award to Mark Piening, Vice President of the LIA. Tim said Mark has a lot to do with LIA events and activities. Tim said Mark is deserving of the award as he gives a lot of his time and effort including caring for the Prairie Creek Treatment train and other LIA affairs which go above and beyond his role as VP.
Brian Miller with ODNR presented several people involved with the Fish Hatchery and Fishing activities at GLSM. He presented: Rich Carter, Scott Hail, Debbie Walters, and Wildlife Enforcement Officers; Ryan Garice, Matt Hain, Austin Weathering, Mark Schimmel. Each person gave a short synopsis of their role and responsibilities around GLSM.
Tim Lovett presented for Milt Miller with the LRC report. Tim said the arygators at Southhmoor Shores have been taken out of the lake. Tim thanked Jack Buscher for paying for the electricity for the arygator to run. Tim said the Prairie Creek Treatment Train is currently drawn down. He updated the membership and presented photos of the progress at the Coldwater Treatment Train. Tim said the next project to look forward to is Chickasaw Creek.
John Lewis reported on the status of the lake.
Francis Springer with SWCD updated the membership briefly on some construction which is about to be wrapped up and nutrient management plan expirations are soon to pass. Francis said she is meeting a lot of new farmers to talk about the plans. Francis said they’ve only had one complaint in the past month.
Tom Grabow gave the Dredge Report. Tom updated the membership on the following: Pump- a Little- has completed Southmoor Shores and will be moving to the park in St. Marys to clean it off and get it ready for next year. Brutus is still working in St. Marys for the next few days and will be returning to the park when finished. Hoedag is working at Riley Bay (west) until its time to come out of the lake and will return to that area in 2016. Tom said it has been a great dredging season citing the three dredges that have removed 360,860 Cubic Yards which is an increase in roughly 58,000 cubic yards.
Tim Lovett introduced Speaker Scott Hail with ODNR who spoke about fishing in Ohio particularly at Grand Lake St. Marys. Scott said GLSM is one of the many places in Ohio to Fish with rivers, streams, and reservoirs. Scott updated the status of fishing on GLSM. He said seasonal employees have interviewed/ surveyed anglers at GLSM. Scott said the survey results refer to interviews from 2005 and 2014. He said Black Bass, Crappie, and catfish with Crappie fishermen largely praising the fish from GLSM. Scott said comparatively GLSM is a great option for Cat Fishing. He also noted that Yellow Perch, which have recently been introduced to the lake in large amounts, have had a great stocking year thanks to the St. Marys Fish Hatchery. Scott said he is looking forward to the results from the Yellow Perch Stockings in the coming years. Scott noted that GLSM is unique in that it is one of only two lakes that span two separate watersheds which allows for different fish to be introduced to the lake. Scott also updated the membership about the stocking successes and failures at GLSM over the past few years. Scott made a point to confirm that it is in fact safe to eat the fish from GLSM citing guidance from ODNR and the Ohio EPA. He identified the advisories the EPA puts out which outline standard guidelines for mercury and other toxins that fish all over the state carry. Scott said of the fish analyzed from GLSM only 2% have shown toxins in them. Scott said the micro toxin issue is easily avoided if folks don’t eat the end trails of the fish which is very uncommon anyway. Scott noted that this situation is monitored with a partnership with OSU and ODNR to look at fish at both Lake Erie and GLSM. Scott said fishing continues to be good at GLSM especially with Crappie, Bass and Catfish. He said their efforts with Yellow Perch will continue to see what the future holds. Scott then answered some member questions which concluded his presentation.
John Lewis gave the park update. John said have been busy this fall by pulling buoys, building a new shelter house, and full service water electric and sewer hookups at the camp grounds. He said hes looking forward to building the new shower house there as well.
Election Committee: Nick Rentz came up to the stand one last time to ask for any additional nominations for officers on LIA Board. No new nominations were given which closes the nomination process of the elections. Nick announced that the elections will be closed at the December meeting.
Tim Lovett opened the floor for questions and comments.
Jeff Vossler drew the winner of the 50/50.
The Members Meeting concluded at 11:28am
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
LIA Secretary