LIA Membership Meeting

10:00 a.m. November 3, 2018 Celina Moose Lodge


Nick Rentz welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance. Members were introduced to the trustees and officers who are running for 2019.

Nick Rentz updated the board on the status of the proposed ODA regulation change.  Nick said the LIA is organizing busses to take members to the ODA hearing in Reynoldsburg to rally against the proposed changes.

Ted Bertke gave the financial report. Ted noted on several donations the LIA recently gave including monies given to the Rec Club to assist in buying safety equipment.

Nick Rentz spoke about the Chili Cookoff hosted by Lake Rat Brewing/ Brew Nation. Nick said the event was well attended and was a great event for a great cause.

Nick Rentz updated the board on the new Stan Wilker Memorial Playground to be placed at Windy Point. Nickthanked Brian Morris for his hard work Nick showed pictures of the proposed playground and answered questions.

Election Committee: Jeff Vossler explained each officer’s duties and informed the membership that election nominations will close at the end of today’s meeting.  Once they are closed an election will take place and the 2019 year officers and board members will be elected at the December meeting. Jeff read off the positions available noting Jack Albers is only one new face is joining the board.

Dave Faler (ODNR) gave the lake update. Dave said lake level is at +10.5” above the spill way mostly because of the recent rains. Buoys around the lake have been removed and restrooms have been winterized. Dave thanked the LIA for the playground, the Rec Club for a new AED, and the Camp Post donated a new building and car port at the campgrounds.

Tom Grabow gave the dredge report. Dave said the crew completed 21 porjects in 2018 but did not hit the record. Dave said the material dredged total is just above of 300,000 cubic yards.

Teresa Dirksen with Ag Solutions gave an update on projects she is working on. Teresa noted on potential projects and research to be funded by the grants received. She answered questions from the membership.

Nikki Hawk gave the soil and water report.

Dr. Steven Jacquemin with Wright State University gave a report on his efforts on water quality. Dr. Jacquemin spoke about water quality and microsystems levels. He spoke about a rough fish/carp removal project he is working on. Dr. Jacquemin updated membership on the west beach project stating an archeological survey is being conducted. He also noted on several nutrient removal in each treatment trains.

Nick Rentz then opened the floor for membership’s questions.  Jeff Vossler read the 50/50 winner. Members were advised nominations for LIA board was now closed and candidates would be affirmed at the December meeting.

Submitted by,

Eric Morris


Lake Improvement Association

