LIA Membership Meeting

10:00 a.m. November 1, 2019 Celina Moose Lodge


Nick Rentz welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance.

Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report. Ted said the Chili Cook-off and Grand Lake Marathon fund raisers were added to the balance sheet. Ted said the LIA check book is at $42,071.00 and the St. Marys Foundation has $13,975.00.

Nick Rentz gave a general update on the lake. He said the microtoxin level is currently on the rise due to the toxins usual schedule and the influx of fertilizer. Nick said though it is on the rise, it is still lower than previous years which is a welcome trend. Nick also talked about the planting projects taking place. He explained the science behind the rock walls and vegetation. Nick noted on the West Beach Project, which is still undergoing monitoring.

Tom Rampe announced that the LIA is taking nominations for the remainder of the meeting. As of now, there are three trustee spots and all officer positions are up for election. Tom Reiterated nominations are closed after today’s meeting.

Dave Faler gave the dredge report and the ODNR report. Dave said lake level is -3.55” which is up 3 inches over the last few rains. Dave talked about camp ground revenue which has steadily gone up. Dave said the numbers are up due to all the projects and events being done around the lake. Dave said the buildings around the state park are now closed for the season. Dave updated the membership on upcoming park projects. Dave then gave the dredge report for Tom Grabow. He said the dredging season is coming to an end. Dave said the dredged material removed for the year is 433,348 cubic yards, which is the second best year to date. Dave then answered questions from the membership.

Nick Rentz said there is no update on the ODA proposed changes to the watershed at this time.

Theresa Dirksen gave the Ag Solutions report. Theresa updated the membership on projects around the lake. Theresa talked about the plant life including many trees and grass species that are planned at Prairie Creek and other areas. She said once the areas are finished folks should expect a couple tour opportunities in May or June. Theresa showed photos of the seeding projects and reported on the pilot projects outlined previously. Theresa then answered questions from the membership.

Nick Rentz Nick said a major goal of the LIA has been to improve the image of the lake by telling the positive stories taking place around the lake. Due to this, Nick welcomed the Friends of Grand Lake facebook page owner, Kevin Klosterman to the podium. Nick said Kevin is directly responsible for the over 8 thousand members of his group who are always putting a positive message out. As a result, Nick presented Kevin with the Guardian of the Lake Award. Kevin presented his page and spoke about the photos and stories folks are sharing on the Friends of Grand Lake page. Kevin answered questions from the membership about his efforts.

Tom Rampe asked the membership for final nomination before they close. There were no new nominations. Tom notified the membership that nominations are closed at this time.

Nick Rentz then opened the floor for questions.

Ted Bertke read the 50/50 winner.

The membership meeting concluded.

Submitted by,

Eric Morris


Lake Improvement Association

