LIA Members Meeting
10 a.m. October 3, 2015
Celina Moose Lodge
Board Members Present:, Vice President Mark Piening, Sgt. of Arms Dave Eyink Treasurers Ted and Diane Bertke, Jeff Vossler, Seth Brigham, Brian Morris & Stan Wilker. Absent were: President Tim Lovett, Eric Morris,Tom Rampe
Mark Piening welcomed everyone and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurer’s report:
Stan Wilker gave a report on the Fishing Derby that was held on September 10th. Stan said that over 164 kids participated in the event and thanked all the over 130 volunteers that helped put the event on.
Nick Rentz Explained each officers duties and informed the membership that election nominations will close at the end of the November 7th meeting. Once they are closed an election will take place and the 2015 year officers and board members will be elected at the December meeting. Nick also read the bylaws and election procedures. Nick read off the following names who are up for election this year: President Tim Lovett, VP Mark Piening, Secretary Eric Morris, Sergeant of Arms Dave Eyink, Treasurer Ted/Diane Bertke, Stan Wilker Trustee, Brian Morris Trustee, Tom Rampe Trustee.
Seth Brigham asked for nominations for the Guardian of the Lake Award to be given in November. Seth said the nominations need to be submitted by October 15th.
John Lewis reported on the status of the lake. John reminded the membership that regular water fowl season starts Oct. 14th. He said the Splash pad in the campground was finished last month. John also noted that the new shelter house is being built and should be done in the next 2 weeks. The state park also has plans to Plant 57 new trees in the campground, all native to the area. John mentioned that the Grand Lake Marathon had over 1800 participants in the run. John said there is a Halloween event held on Oct. 16th.
Milt Miller gave the LRC report. He said the water level has remained strong. Milt mentioned that he plans to re-establish the vegetation at prairie creek and in order to do so the creek needs to dry up. He also mentioned several other projects in other areas the LRC is working on.
Terry Mescher Reported on a couple complaints and concerns but so far no violations Terry said that this is the close of the 3rd year for the rules. Terry mentioned that the big news is that the Soil and Water is under new leadership and will be under the ODNR which will help in many areas.
Tim Lovett opened the floor for questions and comments.
Tom Grabow gave the Dredge Report. Tom reported that Brutus is still working and is currently near the campground after finishing the lagoon and east channel. The Hodag will be moving to Riley Bay next week and Pump-a-little will be finishing Southmoor Shores soon. As of today there were 319,760 cubic yards ahead of the previous record year.
Dave Eyink drew the winner of the 50/50.
The Members Meeting concluded at 10:45am
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
LIA Secretary