LIA Membership Meeting
10:00 a.m. October 5, 2019 Celina Moose Lodge
Brian Morris welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance.
Brian Morris gave the treasurers report for Ted.
Tom Grabow gave the dredge report and the ODNR report for Dave Faler. Tom gave an update for each of the dredges. Tom said the dredge crew is at 376000 Cubic Yards which is on par with beating their record. Tom said the lake level is at -.134 with a 2019 rainfall 45.88” which is very high. Tom said waterfowl/goose hunting season are beginning and gun shots should be expected. This year’s camping season was a success and the pool and splash pad is closed for the season. Tom reminded folks that buoys are up for the season however laws for boating must still be followed. The Walk with Nature is October 20th.
Jeff Vossler talked about the Kids Fishing Derby held on September 11th. Jeff said there were almost 200 kids who attended and the day was great. Jeff thanked the roughly 400 volunteers and associated people for their help.
Brian Morris announced the LIA involvement with the Grand Lake Marathon. Brian said the group will net around $1000. Brian thanked the Marathon committee for asking us to be involved.
Brian Morris said there is no update on the ODA proposed changes to the watershed.
Brian Morris spoke about the upcoming Chili Cook-off to be held on October 12th at Lake Rate Brewing. He talked specifics of the event and invited folks to come out to the event.
A team member gave the Soil and Water/Ag Solutions report. An update was given about numbers of livestock in the watershed.
Dr. Steven Jacquemin with Wright State gave a water quality update. Dr. Jacquemin said the toxin values are falling which is due to all the efforts around the lake. He talked about the addition of vegetation and its potential benefits in the lake as stated at last month’s meeting. Dr. Jacquemin then answered questions from the membership.
Tom Rampe discussed the upcoming elections. Tom said nominations are open at this time. Tom said the each of the officer positions are up for reelection as well as three trustees. Tom read the out positions and their roles within the LIA. Tom said the nominations will close at the end of the November meeting.
Brian Morris then opened the floor for questions.
Jeff Vossler read the 50/50 winner.
The membership meeting concluded.
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association