Officers in attendance were, President Tim Lovett, Vice-president Mark Piening, Treasurer Pat Lovett, and Master at Arms Dave Eyink. Trustees in attendance were Dave Myer, Tom Rampe, Brian Morris, Stan Wilker, and Jeff Vossler. Trustee Tony Seger and Secretary Anderson were excused from attendance at the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning Balance $47,318.23
Deposits 14,967.67
Expenses 12,920.58
Interest —–
Balance $49,365.32
President Lovett advised the membership that the LRC is in a strong financial position and that he and the executive board are evaluating several projects that will benefit the Lake which will put the funds to good use.
Membership Chairman Dave Eyink the membership drive is continuing. New members are receiving their membership discount cards when they sign up. Businesses featured on the cards are happy seeing the LIA members using the cards and knowing the members support them. He noted the LIA now has about 1250 family and business members. He would like to the LIA grow faster, we could double the membership if each member signed up just one member.
Stan Wilker reported the planning is going well for the September 15th LIA golf outing. He wants to increase this year’s participation above the 21 teams that played last year. Hole sponsors are still welcome to sign up. The complimentary food will be available at 12:30. The LIA thanks WalMart for donating the food and the Eagles for providing cooking gear to prepare it. Stan also reported the LIA’s winter bash, the Parrots of the Caribbean, will be on February 16, 2013 at Romers. The same lead band will play and details will be same as last year. Lodging at ½ price will also be available. Get your tickets early, another sell out is expected. Ticket sales will start in November.
Dave Meyer reported that 14 bars and 85 teams participated in the Bar Stool Open this year. Sixty-five teams finished all 14 holes. The best score of 130 was posted by the Fantastic Four. The average team score was 150 and there were 159 holes in one posted. The net profit was $5,859.82 despite the low lake level which greatly reduced participation. The LIA thanks Secretary Anderson for taking over at the last minute and making the BSO a success this year. Jeff Vossler reported there were 38 hole sponsors for the BSO this year, a new record, and thanked them for their support of the LIA.
Mark Piening reported that the Park Manager, Brian Miller, had called him early last month and told him a boy scout wanted to construct shelter and suggested the Windy Point beach would be a great location. The scout needed financial support to purchase materials and Brian felt the LIA might want to provide it. After getting the approval of the LIA executive Board, Mark notified Eagle Scout candidate, Alex Bowler, the LIA would provide the approximately $1,100 needed for the materials. Alex then made a presentation on the completed shelter project to the membership. Alex reported he and his team expended over 170 hours constructing the 10’x12’ shelter. Mark noted the shelter has been incorporated into the LIA program for the Windy Point beach which Dave Meyer and Stan Wilker are heading up. President Lovett thanked Alex for helping to improve the Lake and the members gave him a round of applause.
Dave Meyer reminded the members that the LIA Fishing Derby for challenged kids will be on September 12th. The kids will be there from 11 AM to 2 PM and volunteers should come to the East Bank shelter house before 11. Dave noted that he and his wife have headed up this event for the past 10 years and it is time for someone to take the lead on the event net year. Many volunteers are needed for various activities. Lots of home baked cookies will be needed for the kids. It is a fun and very rewarding experience to help the kids in the fishing derby. President Lovett noted he found helping the kids and seeing their joy makes it truly worthwhile to help at the derby.
Laura Walker told the members that there were brochures on all the tables for the members on the Lake/Farm tour which will be on September 9th. All are encouraged to participate in the tour. She reported that the vast majority of the producers in the Lake’s watershed have completed or are completing the required nutrient management plans. She noted a few producers may not complete their plans. She noted that the proposed manure digestor in the watershed had been included in a plan which has to now be revised. Disposing of their manure outside the watershed is being investigated to assist producers having problems completing their plans.
President Lovett reported that the Chief of the State Soil and Water Office will come in November and give an update on the nutrient management plans required from the Lake watershed producers. Tim noted that Amiran is still having problems raising the last part of the funds they need to build proposed manure to fertilizer plant in the Lake’s watershed. He advised the membership that the contract has been awarded the procurement of the rock to build the next portion of the Prairie Creek treatment train. Tim also noted that the Park staff have dredged 160K cubic yards so far this year and hope to meet their goal of 275K yards.
Tim reported that the October meeting will include a guest speaker on the new technology now being tested in the Lake to improve water quality.
Tim noted that the December meeting of the LIA will include annual election of officers and trustees. There are five officer positions and four trustee positions to be filled. Please contact Trustee Tom Rampe by phone at 419-268-2310 or email with your nominations for the 9 positions.
Tim noted we are also accepting nominations for the 2012 Guardian of the Lake Award. Trustee Dave Meyer is heading the selection committee. Get your nominations to him quickly since the award will be made at the next meeting.
Tim reported that the St. Marys and New Breman’s Dairy Queens held a “blizzard” drive in August to support the LIA in its efforts to improve the Lake. A check for $508 was presented to the LIA from the drive.
President Lovett opened the floor to the membership for comments and questions. A member inquired if the LIA could assist in getting a plugged 14 inch drain tile opened in the vicinity of the It’s It campground. The backup from the tile is causing flooding of his and other trailers and if the tile was unplugged, it would improve the flow in the ditch it feeds. The member noted he has been unable to get local officials or the tile owner to take action. Tim responded the LIA did not have the authority to take action on private property.
A member inquired if Cooper Farms has invested any money in the Amiran manure to fertilizer plant. President Lovett responded that he did not know if Cooper Farm has invested in it but he was aware there is an opportunity for public investment in the project. A member suggested the agribusinesses that support the producers in the watershed should invest in the plant. Another member mentioned an efficient manure digester was working in Renolds IN which promotes itself as Bio-Town USA. Tours are available in Renolds of the digestor and other ecologically friendly activities in the town. Tim noted that Amiran’s ability to concentrate on a plant in the watershed has been dimished by a large project they have in Kiwait.
In response to a member’s inquiry, Jeff reported that the LRC is making progress on the littoral wetlands by the Prairie Creek treatment train and is working with the COE on getting permits for the wetlands. He noted that the LRC will be applying for a large grant from a recently announced Ohio Fish and Wildlife program for a $16M wildlife habitat program.
A member encouraged other members to help at the kids fishing derby on the 12th and that he found it to be a very rewarding experience.
Jeff advised the membership that the final donation $18 from recently deceased member James Price from the sale of aluminum cans he had collected to raise money for the LIA.
The 50-50 drawing was won by Ric Lambright.
These minutes were prepared by Trustee Tom Rampe
The next LIA meeting is at 10 AM on October 6 at the Moose Lodge.