LIA Members Meeting
10 a.m. September 7, 2013
Celina Moose Lodge
Board Members Present: President Tim Lovett, Vice President Mark Piening, Sgt. of Arms Dave Eyink, Treasurers Ted and Diane Bertke, Secretary Eric Morris, Trustees Jeff Vossler , Tom Rampe, Seth Brigham , Dave Meyer, Brian Morris & Stan Wilker.
Tim Lovett welcomed everyone and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report:
Beginning of August $46168.12
Income $15718.78
Expenses $4200.00
September 1 Balance $50123.13
Stan Wilker spoke about the Co-ed Flag Football Tournament that was to be held on September 14, 2013 at KC Geiger Park in St. Marys. Stan said that the tournament did not bring enough interest and therefore will be cancelled. Stan thanked everyone that spent time working on the event. He said that the tournament will be looked at again in the next few years to see if it is something that could possibly work.
Eric Morris offered an update on the new Zombie Fest event that is to be held on the East Bank in the 2nd shelter house on October 26, 2013. The event will begin at 6pm with a 3/4 mile zombie walk to the 3rd shelter house and back. He said that while walk participants are at the 3rd shelter house they will be able to get pictures with friends who participated in the walk. Eric said that after the walk there will be burgers, brats, fries, and soft drinks will provided by Dockside Grill at the 2nd shelter house. He also said that beer tickets will be sold at the gate and 92.1 The Frog will be holding a Halloween/ Zombie Trivia Contest and providing music during the event. He noted that at 8:30pm Ohio State plays Penn State which will be shown on the big screen inside the shelter house. Also included in the festivities will be door prizes/ 50/50 drawings/ and a costume contest. Eric mentioned that it is NOT required that people participate in the Zombie Walk itself and that people are more than welcome to take part in trivia and other festivities during the night.
Mark Piening spoke about the Bar Stool Open that is to be held August 10th. Mark thanked all the judges and volunteers that helped before and during the event in particular Mark thanked Jeff Vossler and Seth Brigham for working hard at getting sponsors. He said that altogether the event had 118 teams that generated $6011.00 for the LIA with sponsors generating $4000.00 to make a total of $10511.00.
Tom Rampe spoke about bylaws specifically relating to elections. Tom referenced the below excerpt from the bylaws and explained to the membership that the board is considering removing the part highlighted. He said asked if anyone had questions regarding the possible change to ask a board member. Tom simplified it by saying that the goal is to change the requirement for members to attend an entire membership meeting in order to vote. Tom justified the reading by saying that small business owners and members are sometimes not able to attend a full meeting and the LIA believes that those members should still be able to vote. Tom said that this was the first reading to the membership and that there will be two more before the change comes into effect.
Below is a proposed amendment to the by-laws proposed presented to the membership at the September meeting. The amendment will resolve the disputed process that followed after the last election.
The elections of the LIA will be conducted through the following process:
- The President will establish a Nominating Committee consisting of three members of the Board of Trustees.
- The Nominating Committee will present its slate of Officers and Trustees at the November Membership meeting. The President will call for additional nominations from the floor at the November Membership meeting so that additional nominees can be considered. Nominations for Officers and Trustees will be closed at the end of the November Membership meeting.
- The election of LIA Officers and Trustees will take place at the Annual December Business Meeting and will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast by the Members present at said meeting. Distribution of ballots will begin 30 minutes before the start of the meeting to members present at the meeting location. Members may cast their ballots when they receive them or they may wait until after the candidates have had an opportunity to speak during the meeting. After the candidates have spoken, the outstanding ballots will be collected and tallied. After the ballots are tallied, the President will announce the winners. The Nominating Committee will provide ballots for the election.
- The term of elected office is one year for Officers and two years for Trustees.
- Three Trustees will be elected to two-year terms on the Board each year. Trustees’ terms can be extended by a majority vote of the Members.
- Newly elected Officers and Trustees will assume office at the close of the Annual December Business Meeting.
Dave Meyer gave a report on the Fishing Derby that is to be held this Wednesday at the first shelter house at 1030am. Lunch will be provided to those who participate. Dave said that he is in need of a lot of cookies and volunteers for the event and asked the membership to help out with the event.
Tim Lovett spoke about several items starting with The Governor’s Cup Regatta that was held in August. He said that he will make a full report of the event at October’s meeting. Tim mentioned that the LIA will be presenting The Guardian of the Lake Award at the next meeting. Tim also spoke about the Pew Foundation that the board voted to sign a letter sent to President Obama asking him to fulfill his campaign promise to strengthen water regulations. Tim also spoke about another Fishing Derby that will be held on Saturday September 21st hosted by Celina Parks and Recreation. President Lovett reported for Brian Miller saying that the lake is currently 6.8 below pool which equates to 5 inches that has been lost in the last 30 days. The Grand Lake Fall Festival is being held on September 20th through the 22nd included in the festival are crafts/food/ and a canoe demonstration.
Terry Mescher wth Soil and Water presented a PowerPoint to the membership. Terry talked about the nutrient management plans that most producers have in place. He also spoke about all the things Soil and Water have been doing over the past year. He said that he is happy with all the progress his team has been a part of and looks forward to seeing more success. Terry said that if people are seeing problems to call him or Francis Springer at 614-395-6210 or 419-234-4678 respectively.
Tim Lovett opened the floor for questions and comments.
Dave Eyink LIA Board Member had a member draw the winner of the 50/50.
The Members Meeting concluded at 11:05am
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
LIA Secretary