LIA Membership Meeting
10:00 a.m. August 7, 2019 Celina Moose Lodge
Nick Rentz welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance.
Nick Rentz gave the treasurers report for Ted. Nick said there is roughly $60k in the accounts.
Nick Rentz spoke about the lakes announced low micro toxin level in the past 7 years. Nick talked about the different reasons the level could be low and said the effort to clean is ongoing. Nick answered general questions from the membership.
Keith Westrick spoke about the Bar Stool Open held on August 10th. He said there were 152 teams and 1 less bar than last year, though the Shoreline Grill, stepped in to fill an open spot. He said the weather was great and the event went off with few glitches. Keith then thanked all the volunteers that helped during the event.
Jeff Vossler talked about the Kids Fishing Derby to be held the following Tuesday. Jeff instructed volunteers when and where to show up and what is needed. He thanked the sponsors and volunteers for their assistance.
Tri Star Welding Teacher Brent Tippie presented the new bike racks the tri star students built for the lake. He showed photos of the racks and asked for more projects so his class can give back to the community.
Nick Rentz gave a report on the proposed changes from ODA to the watershed. He said there haven’t been any changes since the last meeting but he will update membership if anything changes.
Nick Rentz spoke about the upcoming Chili Cook-off to be held on October 12th at Lake Rate Brewing. He talked specifics of the event and invited folks to come out to the event.
David Faler gave the ODNR report. David said lake level is at is at a positive level, which is good for this time of year. Dave spoke about the West Beach project which showed passing microsystem levels on its first test. He said the signs could technically come down but more data is desired before they do so. He noted 4 more aerators will be placed closer to eh beach to help with sediment. Dave then talked about the Fall Festival which is currently going on. He highlighted the events and festivities available to the public. Dave then answered questions from the membership.
Nick Rentz showed photos of the West Beach Project and answered question relating to the LIA’s involvement. Nick then talked about plant life which is planned for the Prairie Creek area to hopefully help filter water throughout the year instead of just the summer.
Tom Grabow gave the dredge report. Tom spoke about the state of the dredging program. Tom said there is 9 more weeks in the dredging season and applauded his employees for their effort so far this year. He noted they are only about a week behind last year’s yield even with the setbacks he has suffered. He will bring the updated number of cubic yards taken out of the lake in October. Tom noted on all the areas which were completed to date and the plans for the rest of the year. He then answered questions from the membership.
Theresa Dirksen gave the Ag Solutions report. Theresa updated the membership on projects around the lake. Theresa showed photos of the newly finished West Branch Beaver Creek Stream Restoration. She commented on the plant life including many trees and grass species that are planned at Prairie Creek. She said once the area is finished folks should expect a couple tours to be available.
Nick Rentz Nick then opened the floor for questions.
Jeff Vossler read the 50/50 winner.
The membership meeting concluded.
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association