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December 5, 2009 MEETING
President Ringo welcomed a large crowd at today’s meeting, recognizing Glen Cobb, former Park Manager here, who is now Field Support Manager for Ohio State Parks. The terms of office for Bill Ringo, Vice President Sharon Galbreath, Secretary Belinda Froning, Treasurer Bob Froning and Sgt. At Arms Bob Hoersting have expired; other than Sharon Galbreath, none are running for re-election. Election of new officers produced this slate for 2010:
President: Tim Lovett Trustee: Mark Utrup (new) (Two-year term)
Vice President: Mark Piening Trustee: Matt Tebbe (new) (Two-year term)
Secretary: Christine Grimm Trustee: Tom Rampe (Two-year term)
Treasurer: Pat Lovett Trustee: Jeff Vossler (Two-year term)
Sgt. at Arms: Bob Sachs Trustee: Dave Meyer (mid-term)
Trustee: Bob Grimm (mid-term)
Bill Ringo will remain on the board for one year as immediate past president. Glenn Cobb paid tribute to
President Bill Ringo for his nine years of dedicated service to the L.I.A. with complimentary words and a
handsome memorial plaque. Thanks for all your hard work and accomplishments, Bill!!
Treasurer Bob Froning presented the proposed budget for 2010, which was voted upon and approved. The
trustees reported that the treasurer’s books for 2009 were audited and are in perfect order.
Two wildlife prints donated by Pheasants Forever were awarded by drawing to new members Clarence Martino and Michele Homan – congrats to them! The lovely handmade quilt donated by Susan Reed of Celina was won by Gary Gray of Celina with his winning bid of $340. Thanks to all who participated!
Ron Puthoff, who writes grants for Franklin Township’s land acquisitions, accepted our $5000 check on behalf of the Township trustees, which will go toward land purchases for green space.
Assistant Park Manager Brian Miller reported stump removal yielded 140 logs and stumps from the lake during
the 6-week project. Thanks to Tom Gottschall, Tom Scheib and their crew for marking them!!
The West bank boat house foundation and walls are up – should be under roof soon and completed in the spring. The geo-textile tube project results are not yet complete; $25,000 capital line item funding with the help of Sen. Keith Faber will help with expenses. Brian will give a Power Point presentation on the project at the Feb. 6 meeting. Beaver-trapping is permitted this season – from Dec. 26 to Feb. 28.
Technical Adviser Tom Rampe reports that the Grand Lake/Wabash Watershed will welcome three new
technicians who will try to persuade producers to sign up for NRCS programs – that would help keep nutrients
on farmland and out of the waters. He introduced Jared Ebbing, Mercer County Development Director, who
introduced officials from Streamside Systems of Findlay, Ohio. Their Power Point presentation highlighted a
series of technologies for sediment removal without dredging. These have been used at numerous locations to clean up waterways and improve aquatic life – a possible benefit for GLSM.
Outgoing officers bid everyone farewell with thanks for your support – get behind the new slate of officers -attend meetings sign up to help on committees – make our association stronger than ever! We wish them every success.
NOTE: – NO L.I.A. meeting in January 2010 – SEE YOU IN FEBRUARY!!
Next L.I.A. meeting – Saturday, February 6, 2010 – 10:00 a.m. – Celina Moose Lodge
Belinda Froning, Secretary (send address changes to: rfroning@woh.rr.com)
For comments/additions to our website, contact: Connie@brocksrv.com