President Tim Lovett welcomed the attendees to the first meeting of 2010 and introduced the new officers and trustees.
Trustee Jeff Vossler presented the Streamside pilot project plan to the membership. Phase I will include 2 ‘Airy Gators’ which increase the oxygen and circulation in the test area, and 3 sediment collectors that will remove sediment from the lake bed. The goal is to raise $500,000 to fund the first phase which is planned for the spring. Using the information and results of Phase I, other grants and funding would be acquired for additional clean up.
Technical Advisor and Trustee, Tom Rampe referenced the Sedimentation-Water Quality Survey of Grand Lake, dated October 1995. At that time, 60,000,000 cubic yards of sediment had settled in the lake. 400,000 cubic yards are estimated to be accumulating each year. Based on this study, 66,000,000 cubic yards of sediment have collected in Grand Lake St. Marys. Copies of the report are available upon request from the LIA Secretary.
Milt Miller, of People’s Bank, and Brian Miller, State Park Assistant Mgr (not related), accepted a $5000 contribution from the LIA toward Phase I. Pledge cards were made available to meeting attendees so that they could make a personal donation to the project.
The LIA is a Pheasants Forever sponsor. Sponsors receive a framed Special Edition Print Of The Year. The LIA will receive one from each county. One will be donated to the person who has the most new members, and the other will be donated in a special drawing to one of the year’s new members.
Trustee Dave Meyer announced the Fishing Derby date has been changed for 2010, in hopes of better weather, having had substantial rain and cold the past 3 years in May. Dave has applied for a $500 grant to subsidize the event. He estimates that 300 children will attend. The Fishing Derby will be held September 15th this year. It is still located at the Number 1 Shelter House on the East Bank starting at 11:00 a.m. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR AND PLAN TO HELP OUT. A VERY REWARDING DAY!
Brian Miller announced that the Grand Lake Restoration Initiative Committee includes Celina, St. Marys, Auglaize and Mercer counties, the LIA, LDC, Auglaize/Mercer Convention & Visitors Bureau, the State Parks, St. Marys Civic Foundation, and Wright State. These organizations form a powerful group dedicated to the lake. The CVB reported that Grand Lake St Marys generates $150,000,000 to the local economy annually. The committee is in support of the Streamside project, and full blown implementation of the project if Phase I is successful.
The SAVE GRAND LAKE project is in full swing. Advertisers are needed to defray the costs of running the website. There will be a soft release of the website in March, and fully running in April.
The BARSTOOL OPEN, the LIA’s annual fundraiser is scheduled for August 14, 2010. Please plan your teams now and be prepared to sign up in June. The lists fill up quickly!
Larry Baker, of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, promoted a boating safety class scheduled in May. Supported by the State Parks & Watercraft divisions, and the Soil & Water Conservation District, there will be a sheet with info with your dock fees. Larry is also seeking volunteers for a GLSM patrol.
Craig Morton, State Park Mgr, reported that dredging will soon start at Riley Bay East. The DMRA (dredge material relocation area) is off of State Route 703 by Northwoods. Sediment traps from the Chickasaw and Beaver Creek were cleaned this past fall and the stump removal project was very successful.
NEW FISHING REGULATIONS: The new minimum for keeping Crappie is 9”. There is a 30 fish bag limit.
Tim Lovett, President of the LIA, summarized the organizations goals: The LIA is committed to clean water. It supports political candidates who support clean water. The LIA supports the development of a Port Authority, needed to manage money from grants, etc. The LIA supports grant writing for lake improvements and is dedicated to increasing membership through more community involvement. The LIA is committed to supporting the Watershed Action Plan, legislation to protect the watershed and to working with Agri-business.
Please note: The LIA plans to “go green”. Out of 710 members, currently only 260 receive their newsletter by email. It costs $3.52/year to mail newsletters. By using your email address, more of your membership fee can be used for lake improvement projects. We ask you to include your email address with your $10 membership renewal. You may also send your email address to Secretary, Chris Grimm at, subject line update: and she will update your email address immediately.