Board Members in Attendance Mark Piening, Kate Anderson, Bob Sachs, Dave Meyer, Jeff Vossler, Stan Wilker, Dave Eyink and Brian Morris.

Tim Lovett, Pat Lovett, Tom Rampe and Tony Seger (excused absence)

Vice President Mark Piening opened the meeting with a welcome to all in attendance and then led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Jeff Vossler gave the financial report as follows:

Beginning Balance $39,770.30 Current Balance $40,654.69

He also explained that a financial report on the “Pirates of the Caribbean” fundraiser will be given at next monthʼs meeting because not all revenues are in at this reporting.

Mark reported on the “Pirates of the Caribbean” fundraiser which was held on February 8, 2012 at Romers in Celina. He thanked the sponsors of the event for their generous support. He reported that the bands were excellent, especially the warm up band “Top Shelf.” WILO provided great advertising and Virginia Burroughs was the photographer for the event. Mark gave special thanks to Stan Wilker, Jeff Vossler and Brian Miller for all the hard work they put in to the event. He reported that the event grossed approximately $20,000 and with Tony Seger donating the money for the band, the event will net approximately $15-16,000. Mark asked the members if they were interested in having the event again next winter. The members voted to have the event again. Mark shared that there will be a survey on the website for additional input by members.

Dave Eyink, Membership Chair, reported that membership renewals will begin April 1st. The goal is 2012 members in 2012 through membership renewals, recruiting website registrants and recruiting new members. He explained that the greater the number of members the more influence the LIA has in its efforts to improve the lake. He will make a presentation at the April meeting of the creative new strategies for adding to the membership rolls.

Mark announced two additional fundraisers in 2012, indluding the Bar Stool Open on Aug 11, 2012 and the Golf Outing in September. He also announced that at the next meeting the Board will present the updated by-laws for the first review. He explained that the goals for the LIA in 2012 will include improving the beaches around the lake and increasing the recreational use of the lake.

Mark introduced Milt Miller, the new Lake Facilities Manager. Milt reminded people to review the list of Park Service projects announced at last monthʼs meeting. He announced the “Carp Derby” at Sunnyside on May 12 and encouraged people to support the event. He thanked Nancy Allen, at the Daily Standard, for the great newspaper article about the fish in the lake. He said the Alum Treatment would start April 1 and its hopeful that the full $5.5 million needed for the Alum Treatment will be obtained. He also shared with the members that the Grand Lake Park Service is beginning a pilot project on lake draw down. Research data will be collected which will be used in establishing a “Lake Level Management Plan.”

Mark thanked Milt for the good job he is doing. Mark also thanked Behmʼs Restaurant for the Recycling Project and their donation this month of $32.55. Tim then introduced Laura Walker, of the Mercer Co. Soil and Water Conservation District, She reported that soil samples are the only way to know what your soil needs to produce healthy green lawns. $5 soil sample coupons are available to anyone in the participating watersheds. Coupons can be bought at the Mercer County Soil and Water Conservation District or Helena Agronomic Center, Coldwater. When your coupon is purchased you will receive instructions on how to collect the sample and a sample bag. Samples can be returned to the SWCD or Helena Agronomic Center, Coldwater. Sample results with recommendations will be mailed directly to you. Laura also announced that the district received a $24,000 grant to evaluate the impact of lawn care in the watershed.

Mark then opened the floor for Questions. To the question of when the fishing derby will be this year, Dave Meyer reported that the derby would be on September 12. Tim called for the drawing for the 50/50 and Ed Jeffries won it then donated his share to the Fishing Derby. Drawings for two free soil sampling kits was conducted.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

