Minutes of the 05/07/2011 Meeting
Officers in attendance were President Tim Lovett, Vice-president Mark Piening, Treasurer Pat Lovett, and Master at Arms Bob Sachs. Directors in attendance were Dave Myer, Stan Wilker, Tony Seger, Tom Rampe, Matt Tebbe, and Jeff Vossler. Secretary Anderson was excused from attendance at the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning Balance $34,218.98
Deposits 8,802.06
Expenses 4,783.76
Interest 1.37
Balance $38,238.65
President Lovett expressed the Association’s gratitude to the many members who included donations with their dues this year. He noted we have members from Wisconsin, Maine and California who donated.
Vice President Mark Piening reported that the Association’s website continues to do very well. High numbers of hits and page openings are continuing. He noted the “Save the Hoedag” contest in now over. The posted videos were all good and generated lots of hits on the website. He thanked Brian Morris for the great job he did in setting up the contest on the website at no expense to the Association.
President Lovett announced that the Association will be hosting a Golf Outing on Saturday, July 16th, to raise money for the LIA’s programs. It will be at Northmoor Golf Club. He thanked Domino’s Pizza, Pepsi, and Bud Lite for their support of the outing. He also thanked Stan Wilker and Bob Sachs for making the arrangements for the outing and noted further information and sign up information can be found on the LIA website.
President Lovett reminded the members that the Bar Stool Open will be on August 6 this year to avoid interfering with Indian Lake’s bar stool open on August 13th. Details will be posted on the websites and participating local businesses.
Donna Grube encouraged the members to sign up for the Carp Derby on June 3, 4, and 5 this year. “Get the Carp Out of Here” is the theme. She noted that rough fish including carp are the predominant species in the Lake and game fish are only a small percentage of the fish in the Lake. It will cost only $5 to register and there will be many door prizes as well as $3,000 in prize money donated by sponsors in various categories including largest carp caught and most carp caught. If you are registered, you don’t have to actually fish or be present to win a door prize. You need a fishing license to actually fish in the derby and any legal means in Ohio can be used to catch the carp. She noted she needs help in staging the Derby and signup sheets are on her website at www.seemore.org.
Bill Lynch, the Aquatic Program Specialist gave an excellent presentation on the harmful algal blooms (HABs) which have plagued the Lake in recent summers. He pointed out that of many lakes in the State reporting HABs, only four were significant and our Lake’s bloom was much worse that the other three. He visited most of the lakes reporting HABs and in all instances was able to find a phosphorus source related to human activities that fed the blooms.
Bill discussed effects of temperature and nitrogen to phosphorus ratios on HABs. When the Lake temperatures are high and the N to P ratios are low, HABs and the toxins associated with them are very likely to occur. He noted that in the summer, the majority of the P in the Lake is coming from the muck in the bottom of the Lake. Low concentrations of N favor the cyanabacteria since they can fix atmospheric N while regular algae are limited to the dissolved N in the Lake. He noted that adding large amounts of N to the Lakes waters may prevent HABs, but that is not the solution to the problem. The Lake would still suffer from anaerobic conditions at night and on hot days and other non toxic types of objectionable algae would take over the Lake. Bill noted that aeration of the Lake and its channels, land use in the watershed, algaecides, and alum treatments all help to reduce HABs but reducing the internal loading is critical. He estimated it would take ten to fifteen years to reduce the HABs if the internal sources are not controlled even if the external loading was controlled.
In response to audience questions, Bill noted that winter drawdown would have no effect on the HABs in the Lake; he did not know if opening the valves at the bottom of the dam would remove much of the muck in the Lake; rough fish removal would be beneficial; and that aeration and alum treatments would be beneficial in channels. The audience was also advised that his presentation would be on the LIA website.
Glen Cobb, the Deputy Director of ODNR and Brian Miller, our Park Manager, then discussed actions being taken by ODNR to improve the Lake. Glen noted that the Lake is his top priority, working with the Lake Restoration Commission (LRC) has been a pleasure, and the LRC’s master plan is being followed by the State. Glen reported on the changes in the plans to treat the Lake with alum caused by the heavy algae bloom that is now occurring. Instead of treating the entire surface of the Lake with alum, 4,900 acres in the center will receive a moderate alum dose which will cost $3.7 million. He advised the audience that ODNR has funded the rough fish removal operation which has begun on the Lake. Glen also stated ODNR is committed to the dredging operations on the Lake and that the three dredges are now on the Lake and they will work longer hours. He also reported that Tom Grabow has been hired to specifically supervise the dredging operations on the Lake and that he has extensive dredging experience working in private industry. He noted that a new dredge is being procured to replace the 1968 vintage dredge St. Marys now on the lake and that dredge spoil areas are still a problem here. Glen reported that Governor Kasich, in a recent briefing to ODNR employees, specifically mentioned the Lake and his intent to see it improved. Glen noted that that ODNR may not be 100% successful in everything they try to improve the Lake, but will keep at it until the Lake is improved. In response to an audience inquiry, he stated that opening the control valves is not going to happen at this time because of the flooding litigation downstream. The State is looking at the advisability of doing it sometime in the future.
Brian provided additional details on the initiatives mentioned by Glen. He noted that Channel 7 had done a video clip on the rough fish removal at the Lake, the goal is to remove 1,000 pounds of rough fish a day and that 5,000 pounds have already removed. High winds and waves have greatly limited the days that rough fish could be removed this spring. Brian reported that the Lake clean up day was a success and 100 bags of trash as well as many large items such a tires, propane tanks, truck loads of debris and a porta-potty was removed from the Lake. Over 100 volunteers participated, including President Lovett who was photographed in hip waders in the water.
Brian reported that there are now three nesting pairs of eagles in the vicinity of the Lake and all of their nests have eaglets in them. He noted that clearly marked monitoring buoys have been placed in the Lake in various locations to gather critical data on the Lake. Boaters are requested to stay clear of them.
Bill Ringo reported he had accompanied USGS scientists all day on the 5th as they collected samples as part of a two year program to determine which cyanobacteria are blooming at various times and why. Labs across the country will be performing the tests on the samples.
Brain noted the Lake is getting a lot of much needed resources and is becoming a research center on HABs. He reminded the audience that information is available on floating wetlands and how they can have them in their channels.
In response to questions, Glen indicated that ODNR is limited to dredging on public channels adjacent to State property by an I.G. ruling since dredging is funded from waterway safety funds; the State is lining up more funding for further alum treatments; the State supports aeration in the Lake; ODNR will have a fish biologist so a population survey on the fish in the Lake; he cannot respond to questions concerning the ligation pertaining to Lake; and the trapping nets close to the shore are clearly marked and will not catch the trap wary bass.
Tim expressed the LIA’s appreciation to Glen Cobb and the Department Directors for their great support of the Lake. He noted Behms is collecting aluminum cans and donating the proceeds to the LIA.
Tony Seger won the 50/50 and graciously donated his winnings to the LIA’s fishing derby.
Tim encouraged the members to attend the Carp Derby at Sunnyside on May 14th. The proceeds will go to the LRC. He noted WLIO will be taping State and local officials on May 18th for a ½ hour show which will be broadcast Memorial Day weekend.
Each member is challenged to get one other person to join the LIA. Our goal is to double the membership to 2,200. The larger the LIA membership, the stronger our collective voice will be for restoring the Lake.
Next Meeting – June 4, 2011
Celina Moose Lodge, 10:00a.m.