New for 2025, the Lake Improvement Association is introducing a Family Membership to ensure we have an accurate count of our membership base.

In years past, many couples have either signed up individually (two memberships) or jointly (one membership representing both spouses). The problem is that our membership system is unable to count both members when signing up jointly, which makes it appear as though we have fewer members.

If you have listed both spouses under a single membership in the past, we kindly ask you to switch to a family membership, which will allow us to count both spouses as members. Remember, there’s power in numbers, and the more members we have, the stronger our collective voice as we work to improve Grand Lake at the local, state, and federal levels.

Please click the button below depending on how you’d like to renew your LIA membership in 2025.

(to renew your individual or business membership)

(to switch to a family membership online)

(to mail your renewal check instead)

Thank you for your support!