Rough Fish Removal at Grand Lake St. Marys State Park

Grand Lake St. Marys State Park continues to operate trap nets to remove rough fish from the lake. The operation has removed over 4 tons (8,000 lbs) to date which includes quillback carp suckers, carp and gizzard shad. The workers have also found many different types of game fish that have been able to be released as mortality have been minimal. Some of the species found have been crappie, yellow perch, sunfish, walleye, northern pike and catfish.

The State Park has made arrangement for drums to be available for the public to dispose of rough fish at the Mercer Waterfowl Area, 6132 St Rt 703 west of Montezuma. The orange drums are placed near the “red brick” out building. You are asked to put a lid on the drum after fish have been placed in drum.

The “Get the Carp Outta Here” tournament is scheduled for June 3, 4, 5. This tournament is a way for people of all ages to get involved. For more information contact the Auglaize & Mercer Counties CVB Office at (419) 394 – 1294 or on the web at

For more information, contact Brian Miller, Grand Lake St. Marys State Park 419-394-3611

