Please join us on Tuesday, November 20 to express your dismay that the ODA wishes to change the distressed watershed rules which have contributed to the improvements we have seen in the quality of water flowing into our lake.
The LIA is providing the bus. If you are interested in going please contact Tom Rampe at therampes@earthlink.net by November 17 (this Saturday).
The bus will leave from the Celina Eagles parking lot on the east side of the Celina Eagles building. You may leave your car in the parking lot. The bus being provided by Royal Rides will leave at 6:30 AM on November 20. The destination is the ODA Bromfield Administration Building, 8995 East Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, with an expected arrival time no later than 8:45 AM.
The bus will depart at 11:30 AM from the Administration Building to return to Celina. The bus will stop at a restaurant on the direct route to Celina for a lunch break of an hour. The place of the lunch break will be determined by the LIA leader on the bus and the driver. The expected arrival time at the Eagles parking lot will be about 2 PM.
Please respond by Saturday, November 17 to confirm you will be joining the LIA delegation on the bus to make our objections known to ODA. We will also need to know the names of anyone accompanying you.
Thank you for your interest in protecting our lake.