SIGN THE PETITION to help us stop winter manure spreading in the Grand Lake St. Marys watershed.
The ODA’s proposed changes to the Ohio Administrative Code would lift the winter manure ban and allow year-round manure spreading in the Grand Lake St. Marys watershed. Though there are provisions that would prohibit spreading under certain conditions such as snow-covered and saturated soil, they are vague and unenforceable, and would likely increase nutrient loading in Grand Lake St. Marys.
Research has proven the efficacy of the manure ban and progress made by producers in the Grand Lake St. Marys watershed. To lift this ban now would be reckless and unfounded given the advances that have been made in decreasing nutrients that pollute the watershed.
Help us stop winter manure spreading in the Grand Lake St. Marys watershed before it threatens our environment and economy.
1. Sign the petition
Today, you can SIGN THE PETITIONopposing the ODA’s proposed changes. The petition will be delivered to lawmakers and members of JCARR, which will be reviewing the ODA’s proposal on Dec. 10.
2. Join us on bus trips
The LIA is providing transportation to two key hearings. Please join us! You can give testimony at the hearings; or, simply attend and help us demonstrate how many people the proposed changes will negatively impact.
If you would like to attend either trip, please email president@lakeimprovement.com.
You may also contact the committees independently. Here’s the information on the bus trips and hearings; more details on meeting places and times will be provided at a later date.
Public hearing for the purpose of accepting testimony on the proposed amendments made to Ohio Administrative Code rules 901:13-1-11, 901:13-1-19, 901:13-1-19901:13-1-20, and 901:13-1-99 will be heard on:
November 20, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
Ohio Department of Agriculture Bromfield Administration
Building Auditorium 141
8995 East Main Street
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-3399
Written and oral comments will be heard Nov. 20th. Any person wishing to present their position, arguments, or contentions in writing, other than at the public hearing, may mail written comments to:
Ohio Department of Agriculture
c/o Legal Section
8995 East Main Street
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068
OR by email at ecomments@agri.ohio.gov, or by transmitting by facsimile at (614) 995-4585. Written comments sent by mail shall be postmarked no later than the day of the hearing. Written comments transmitted by facsimile shall be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the hearing.
Public hearing for the purpose of accepting testimony on the proposed amendments made to Ohio Administrative Code rules 901:13-1-11, 901:13-1-19, 901:13-1-20, and 901:13-1-99 will be heard on:
Monday, December 10th, 2018 at 1:30 p.m.
Senate Finance Hearing Room
The Ohio Statehouse
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Oral testimony will be granted on the day of the hearing – Dec. 10th
Written testimony to arrive at JCARR offices no later than Dec. 7th.
Questions or testimony can be directed to:
Joint Committee On Agency Rule Review
Vern Riffe Center, 77 South High Street, Concourse Level,
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone : 614-466-4086
Fax : 614-752-8803
Email : jcarr1@jcarr.state.oh.us
If an individual would like to present testimony to JCARR, please keep in mind that they will be judging the proposed rules based on these 6 criteria:
- Do the rules exceed the agency’s statutory authority;
- Do the rules conflict with an existing rule of that agency or another state agency;
- Do the rules conflict with legislative intent;
- Has the rule-making agency prepared a complete and accurate rule summary and fiscal analysis of the proposed rule, amendment, or rescission (ORC 127.18);
- Has the rule-making agency met the incorporation by reference standards for a text or other material as stated in ORC sections 121.72, 121.75, or 121.76; and,
- If the rule has an adverse impact on business (ORC 107.52), that the rule-making agency has demonstrated through the business impact analysis (BIA), the Common Sense Initiative Office (CSI) recommendations and the agency’s memorandum of response to the CSI recommendations, that the rule’s regulatory intent justifies its adverse impact on business.