Signs have been posted at the Burntwood-Langenkamp Wetland Conservation area.
The construction of the nearly 90-acre project site was completed in 2022. Water enters the site during high flows through Burntwood Creek and also has a pump with the capacity to pump 500,000 gallons of water per day during the growing season. Water is treated through a one-mile long flow path of a meandering marsh wetland prior to the water outlet into Coldwater Creek. Over 5,000 wetland plants were planted on-site on September 9, 2022 by many local volunteers to further enhance the water quality and wildlife attributes of the site.
This public nature park can be accessed off of Coldwater Creek Road (between Green and Younger Roads). There is a large parking lot on the east side of Burntwood Creek and a walking bridge over the Creek to enter the wetland area. You can enjoy the observation tower constructed by Eagle Scout, Wyatt Greenwood, and an observation deck out into one of the wetland pools. The site has been permanently seeded, has over one mile of grass walking path and numerous educational signs.
The project was made possible by CleanOhio Funds, the H2Ohio program through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Langenkamp Family, the Grand Lake St. Marys Lake Facilities Authority, VTF Excavation, LLC, Reforestation & Wildlife Services, Pheasants Forever, Mercer Soil and Water Conservation District and Wright State University-Lake Campus.
Information and photos were provided by Mercer County Agriculture & Natural Resources Director Theresa Dirksen.