Meeting minutes for July 20, 2017 Board meeting


Meeting minutes – Tim Lovett

Treasurer Report – No report

Membership – Current list shows 673 paid members. Original cost for 2017 membership mailing was $2400 with an additional $1000 for second follow up mailing. D. Eyink distributed approximately 400 additional memberships around to various establishments in the area.

Summer Kick Off – Tabled until August when Eric is available to review and discuss. Some discussion on value of car show, no decision made. Reviewed calendar for potential future dates, no decision made.

BSO – 10 teams signed up and bars are having some interest but still early. Currently 29 of 64 judge slots filled. Tom may ask B Miller for help if needed.  Jeff will cover judging for Duck Foot. Judges will wear vests vs buying t-shirts. Bill and Sue Hamp will judge pontoon and t-shirt contest. Currently have 30 hole sponsors out of a goal of 50. Jeff has sponsor forms if the Board can help.

LIA App – Brian reviewed the platform for the new GLSM App which would be sponsored by the LIA. After much discussion on benefits and features of the App, Tom Rampe made a motion to approve $750 to use for the App development and distribution. Jeff 2nd the motion which was approved unanimously by the Board. Brian is attempting to have the App available by the BSO.

2nd Beach – Tim reviewed the current status of the 2nd beach project. Madd Scientist has submitted a bid of $9500 to pursue Army Core of Eng.(ACOE) permit to install additional rock for the project. No approval has been given or sought for the ACOE permit. Auglaize Commissioner Doug Spencer has indicated that he would be in support of this effort and stated the Commissioners may have some $’s to put towards it. Work continues on the project.

Kids Fishing Derby – All planning is done and we are waiting on the check from ODNR!

Buoys for dredging – These have been purchased and will be stenciled with LIA.

Board Elections – Tom has agreed to chair this year’s election. We will begin seeking potential Board members, Sargent at Arms, Vice President and President starting at August meeting. Dave discussed his potential of resigning early but the Board felt it was best to stay until the elections.

Prairie Creek Treatment Train – New control box structure is needed at PCTT to allow additional flow to the test plots created during PCTT 2 expansion. In addition, carp screens on the outlets of PCTT were also discussed. Total price for both improvements is $9000. LRC has agreed to pay half of this total. A motion was made by Tom and a 2nd was made by Jeff. Board passed the motion unanimously.

