The following resources are made available for media members covering Grand Lake St. Marys. Click the menu to jump to a specific section.
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Quick Facts
Issues and Solutions
How the Community Can Help
Editorial Ideas
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Grand Lake St. Marys Quick Facts
A brief overview of Grand Lake St. Marys
Nicknamed “Ohio’s Other Great Lake,” and is Ohio’s largest inland lake
A wildlife habitat along major migration routes, a tourism hub, and economic booster, GLSM supports fishing, gaming, camping, boating, and other recreation
13,500 acres spanning an area roughly 9 miles by 3 miles with more than 60 miles of shoreline
GLSM water flows north to Lake Erie and south to the Gulf of Mexico
GLSM watershed covers 112 square miles, or 71,862 acres
25,000 citizens live in the GLSM watershed
More than 750,000 people visit GLSM annually
GLSM accounts for up to $200 million in annual revenue
GLSM creates more than 2,500 jobs and more than $40 million in personal income annually
GLSM tourism generates more than $18 million in taxes and fees annually
Learn more about the history, economic impact, and current condition of Grand Lake St. Marys in the LIA Education Series
Grand Lake St. Marys Issues and Solutions
The follow resources offer overviews as well as in-depth looks into the current issues and solutions for GLSM.
Find in-depth information in the LIA Knowledge Base
Find excellent overviews in the LIA Education Series
LIA Powerpoint Presentation(zipped format) (excellent PowerPoint overview)
Lake Restoration Commission Action Plan (what is being done to save Grand Lake St. Marys)
Fact Sheet: Problems and Solutions for Grand Lake St. Marys
Fact Sheet: Grand Lake St. Marys Toxins
Benefits of Saving Grand Lake St. Marys
Pollution Issues and Solutions
Legislative and Enforcement Issues and Solutions
Misconceptions About Grand Lake St. Marys
Why Should Agricultural Professionals Support the LIA (What’s In It For Producers)?
Nutrient Management Best Practices
How Community Members Can Help
Your Personal Action Plan For Saving Grand Lake St. Marys
Editorial Ideas
The following represents a sampling of editorial ideas you can use as inspiration for your own stories on Grand Lake St. Marys. Be sure to read the LIA Education Series for more.
Could toxic aglae cause the next mass extinction?
What toxins are released by algal blooms, and what are their effects on humans and animals?
What legislation is needed to save Grand Lake St. Marys?
What is the economic impact of Grand Lake St. Marys?
How would you rate the political and legislative response to Grand Lake St. Marys?
Wbat are the potential futures for Grand Lake St. Marys?
The history of Grand Lake St. Marys
Is there still oil and natural gas under Grand Lake St. Marys?
Should a resort be built on Grand Lake St. Marys?
Should more islands be created on Grand Lake St. Marys?
What are the issues faced by Grand Lake St. Marys?
What are the solutions for Grand Lake St. Marys?
What are the benefits of saving Grand Lake St. Marys?
Who visits Grand Lake St. Marys, and what do they do here?
Ideas and suggestions to make Grand Lake St. Marys better
What wildlife is dependent on Grand Lake St. Marys?
Grand Lake St. Marys recreation opportunities
Famous people who have visited Grand Lake St. Marys
What resources can be gleaned and/or harvested from Grand Lake St. Marys?
What t ypes of businesses does Grand Lake St. Marys foster?
Community profiles: Businesses, residents, leaders, and employers on Grand Lake St. Marys
Please contact the Lake Improvement Association for rights to distribute photos, videos, and other multimedia found on the LIA website, as the LIA does not own copyrights to everything here.
Photo Gallery Selected photos submitted by LIA members and others
Flickr Find originals of submitted photos here, many in higher-resolution formats
Videos Search for “Grand Lake St. Marys” on YouTube to find many user-submitted videos of GLSM. Note: These videos are not created or endorsed by the LIA
LIA Logo You are free to use the Lake Improvement Association logo for media purposes
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