Research into effective means of reducing the detrimental effects of bacterial algae in Grand Lake St. Marys has shown aeration to be very beneficial. Grand Lake St. Mary’s has many privately owned channels and confined areas; these have low dissolved oxygen levels and high levels of detrimental bacterial algae and free active phosphorous.
To encourage aeration of these areas in GLSM the LIA has budgeted funds for 2018 of up to $5,000 dollars to be used as a cost share with private owners to purchase and install aeration equipment. The LIA will provide up to 20% for the equipment cost of approved projects, with a maximum of $500 per project. The equipment will belong to the private owners and all maintenance and operation costs will be theirs.
To apply for the cost share program, the applicant must be a member in good standing of the Lake Improvement Association, the LIA must have a proposal for the project, the proposal must show the plans for location of the installation, the manufacturer and model of equipment to be installed, the cost of the project. The application will specify the amount and percentage of funding requested from the LIA.
Funds for the cost share will be released based on project approval by the LIA board, project approval by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (installation approval authority for the waters of Grand Lake St. Mary’s),and verification of installation. Cost share recipients agree to operate the equipment continuously (during the peak oxygen deficient season from April 30th to October 31st ) for a minimum of 3 calendar years from date of install.
All qualifying proposals will be reviewed and approved by the LIA board of directors whose decision is final. Proposals will be reviewed on a first come first served basis as determined by the postmark date or date of receipt by an active member of the LIA board of directors. When funds set aside for a fiscal period have been used, additional proposals ; submitted above the funding level, will be assigned priority; based on order of submission and approval date, in anticipation of future funding. No guarantee of current or future funding for any proposal is intended or implied.