Founded in 1947, the purpose of the Lake Improvement Association is to make improvements to Grand Lake St. Marys and its facilities and to promote a clean and healthy lake for the general public’s use. Here’s a sampling of the difference our members have made over the past ten years.

View our annual goals

Water Quality

Prairie Creek Treatment Train (funding)

Coldwater Creek Treatment Train (funding)

Channel Aeration

West Beach Aeration

Wetland Plants (funding)

Elks Stream Restoration (funding)

Soil Testing

Sponsor Get the Carp Outta Here Tournament

Support for the Wright State Water Lab

Support for the Grand Lake Restoration Commission

Donated channel plants & wetlands plans



West Bank Benches

East Bank Benches

West Beach Restoration Project

Channel Signage & Lights

Stan Wilker Memorial Playground (Windy Point)

Villa Nova Playground

Northwood Lighthouse Preservation Project

Emergency Rescue Safety Equipment (in partnership with the Rec Club)

Celina Fire Department Rescue Boat

Windy Point Kayak Launch



Campaigned to defeat changing the current watershed rules to less productive model & testified before JCARR committee at Ohio Statehouse

Hosted Ohio rep debate with opportunity for membership to ask candidates lake-centric questions


Awareness & Economic Support

Publicity to gain support for lake improvement

Microcystin reporting

Bar Stool Open

Winter Dance

Summer Kickoff/Color Run

Scavenger Hunt

Golf Outing

Grand Lake App

LIA Website

Email Newsletter

Social Media Campaigns

Informative membership meetings, broadcast online

Speaking engagements at local clubs and gatherings (Lions, Rotary, etc..)

Historical Series/Educational Series

Kids Fishing Derby

Chili Cook Off (in partnership with Brew Nation)

Grand Lake Marathon (volunteerism)

COVID-19 Summer Stimulus Sweepstakes ($10,000 into local economy)

Chamber of Commerce Good Neighbor Award

Stahr Award

Support other community organizations (CVB, Rec Club, St. Marys Rotary, etc.)

Sponsor Crappie USA tournament

Sponsor LakeFest

Sponsor lake-related Eagle Scout projects

Soil & water conservation education

Support for the Celina Lake Festival Fireworks