The Mercer County Ag Education Series will be hosting a tour of the West Branch Beaver Creek Stream Restoration Project at the Mercer County Elks Golf Course on Thursday, July 2, 2020. Guided tours of the site will be conducted in groups of 10 people or less starting at 10:00 am. Please call Mercer Soil and Water Conservation District at 419-586-3289 Ext. 3 to reserve your tour time. We will be able to accommodate up to 60 people throughout the day, so please register early. Light refreshments will be provided at no cost. Your tour will last approximately 30 minutes, and please be prepared to walk.
The West Branch Beaver Creek Stream Restoration project was funded through an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency 319 grant with additional local public and private funding from the following:
- Mercer County Elks Golf Course
- Mercer County Commissioners
- The Grand Lake St. Marys Restoration Commission
- Lake Improvement Association
- Electric Power Research Institute
- Mercer County Soil and Water Conservation District
- Republic Waste Services
This project restored approximately 2,000 feet of stream to a natural channel design with a restored floodplain. Natural channel design promotes flood control, improved habitat and increased water quality. Over 1,200 new trees and shrubs have been planted in the 5.0-acre project area. Come to learn more about this project on July 2, 2020.