What issues does Grand Lake St. Marys face?
Lake water quality is degraded by nutrient runoff, namely phosphorous, from multiple sources. A high phosphorous load has led to the overproduction of blue-green algae, which is really a bacteria that produces toxins called microcystins. These toxins can cause a slew of health problems. In addition, erosion has caused the lake to lose 30% of her water volume.
How can Grand Lake St. Marys be saved?
Grand Lake St. Marys can be saved through a combined effort to restore water quality and prevent further degradation.
Won't the lake clean itself?
No. Blue-green algae must be removed or it will continue to proliferate. Preventive measures must be taken to ensure additional phosphorous is not released into the watershed.
Who is to blame for the issues on Grand Lake St. Marys?
The issues faced by Grand Lake St. Marys are historical; when the lake was created as a reservoir for the Miami-Erie Canal no one could have predicted the future affect certain activities would have. Pointing fingers does not solve problems; thus, what needs to be done is for all stakeholders – residents, businesses, producers, legislators – to accept scientifically-proven facts and work together to restore Grand Lake St. Marys to her former glory.
Who benefits from a clean Grand Lake St. Marys?
All residents, businesses, producers, and families in the Greater Grand Lake St. Marys Region benefit from a clean lake. Recreational and business opportunities account for more than 750,000 visitors annually, who collectively bring more than $150 Million to the area's economy.
How can I help save Grand Lake St. Marys?
Visit the Knowledge Base to learn more and download your free Personal Action Plan for a step-by-step synopsis of what you can do to save Grand Lake St. Marys.