Grand Lake St. Marys is officially owned by the State of Ohio, which means that legislative and enforcement falls under the state’s jurisdiction. In many ways, this ties the hands of local stakeholders to affect direct changes without the approval of the state.
The state has a responsibility to clean and maintain Grand Lake St. Marys, yet political action and legislation does not always align with that responsibility. The state along with the Environmental Protection Agency both have interest in creating and enforcing laws that regulate and enforce pollution intake, agricultural activities that lead to nutrient runoff, and other variables that contribute to poor water quality in Grand Lake St. Marys.
Solutions and Actions
The best way to ensure that your elected officials have your interest at heart, as well as in legislative sessions – is to speak out and make sure your voice is heard. As a steward of the Greater Grand Lake St. Marys Region, you shoulder the responsibility of:
– Voting for leaders who will protect, preserve, and clean Grand Lake St. Marys
– Writing to your legislators to let them know you demand a cleaner Grand Lake St. Marys
– Reporting violations when you recognize them
– Joining the Lake Improvement Association to play an active role in saving the lake
– Donating toward LIA efforts to clean the lake