The Lake Improvement Association recently completed the Windy Point Beach revitalization project with the installation of a new picnic table and bench that allows visitors to enjoy a view of Grand Lake St. Marys looking to the north.

The multi-phase project included beach cleanup and expansion, adding sand to the beach, and picnic table and bench installation. In the initial phase Dominion East of Ohio Gas company employees assisted with removal of brush and trees allowing the beach to be expanded an additional 125 feet. VTF of Celina placed additional sand on the new beach and the following year Tyler Applegate completed his Eagle Scout project with the construction of a sheltered picnic table placed on a concrete slab. Dave Faler and Byron Francks of ODNR assisted in the coordination of this project.
Finally, The LIA executive board would like to thank St. Henry Tile & Concrete and Bob Homan for their assistance in the preparation of the concrete slab and final construction and installation of the table and bench.