LIA Membership Meeting

10:00 a.m. April 10, 2021

Keith Westrick welcomed everyone present and everyone watching on facebook to the meeting. He asked everyone to stand for the pledge of allegiance.

Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report. Ted said there is $55112.13 in the bank account.

Keith Westrick thanked Brian Morris and Jeff Vossler for getting the LIA membership up to date. Keith said there are t-shirts available for sale to help fundraise for the LIA.

Dr. Steven Jacquemin with Wright State updated the membership about his projects around the lake including Prairie Creek. Rough fish removal for some of the wetlands is on hold for the time being. He then gave a presentation on the wildlife and fish life in Grand Lake St. Marys. This presentation can be found on the LIA’s facebook page.

Keith Westrick talked about the new Scavenger Hunt event held by the LIA on June 19th and 20th. He said the event will be accessible by boat or vehicle around the lake. Keith noted the Barstool open will be held on August 14th.

A Special Guest from NK Telco– announced the National Brushpile Fishing Tournament to be held on April 20th and May 1st. NK Telco hosts the Brushpile Fishing show featuring Russ Bailey and announced they’ve recently begun filming season 8.

Keith Westrick with the help of Jeff Vossler announced the winner of the 50/50 then concluded the membership meeting.



Submitted by,

Eric Morris


Lake Improvement Association

