LIA Executive Board Meeting
10:00 a.m. February 6, 2016
Celina Moose Lodge
Tim Lovett welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance.
Diana Bertke gave the treasurers report. Diana said there is a balance of $40462.62 in the LIA account.
Stan Wilker Updated the board on the Motown event to be held on February 27th. Stan said the event is at Romers and the doors open at 6pm. Stan said there is only one villa left at the Westlake Villas Hotel which is running a special for the event. He said the band is a Mowtown band called The KGB. Stan then thanked Linda and Milt Miller and MTO in St. Marys for sponsoring the band. Stan said tickets are on sale at a discounted price until Feb. 7th and for a few dollars more after that leading up to the event.
Mark Piening talked about the Casino Night that is being held on March 19th. Mark said the event is also at Romers and is being co-sponsored by the Celina Lakefest Committee. At Casino Night there will be a 50/50 drawing, carnival games, hot appetizers, and a DJ amongst other activities. All proceeds are going to help fund the fireworks at Lakefest. Mark said the event begins at 730pm and tickets can be purchased from any LIA or Lakefest board member.
Mark Piening Spoke about the 2015 Membership Drive that starts in April lasting until May 15. Mark said he hopes to have the mailing out on or about April 1. You will receive letter in mail with return envelope, dues are $15 for individual and $25 for business. Mark noted he will have more on the membership drive next month.
Tim Lovett updated the membership on the 2016 LIA Committee Chair Persons and the 2016 Strategic Plan. Information regarding these plans are available on the LIA website. Tim spoke about several goals for the 2016 year including an aeration project in the second beach area (dogtail Lake) to “hopefully” improve micro toxin levels and get the beach usable. He noted that main goal of the LIA is to bring people to the lake and improve the lake by holding events and gaining memberships to help fund these goals. Tim noted there is ad space available on the LIA website for folks to take advantage of.
Milt Miller gave the membership the LRC update. Milt said Coldwater Creek Treatment Train is moving along as planned. Milt noted that since 2010, when the LRC was created, several projects have been completed and work on other treatment trains are on their way. Milt praised the accomplishments of the LRC team and Tom Grabows’ teams efforts on dredging. Milt then spoke about a company that is coming in the next few weeks to tag 25 carp to determine where the large schools of carp are in the lake to make harvesting them more efficient. Their goal is ultimately to balance the lake between rough fish and game fish which will help with water quality.
Mark Piening talked about a new fish tournament coming to the lake in conjunction with Brushpile Fishing and Crappie USA. Mark said the LIA board has voted to sponsor the event with a $2500 sponsorship. Mark said there will be more to come on the event in the next few months.
Brian Miller gave the Lake Update. Brian introduced the new State Park Manager, David Faler. Brian said David began in the early 90s as a seasonal employee for the park then obtained a full time position with different state parks working various projects and titles over the last 20 years.
Brian said he is working with the gate to regulate the water level, he noted that the lake is 6 inches below the notch. Brian said letters for dock fees are going out soon and are due by May 1st and there will not be prorated amount this year. Brain mentioned the Governors Cup Regatta which has been cancelled this year due to the sport not attracting the amount of people needed to sustain it as an event. Brian said the “Get the Carp Outta Here” Tournament is coming back to the lake. Brian spoke about the upcoming events throughout the year. Brian showed a power point for the 2015 year showcasing photos from events and improvements around the lake. Several members recognized Brian for all of his work around the lake and with the spillway.
Tom Grabow spoke about the Grand Lake dredging report. Tom talked about the projects slated for the lake which include: Riley Bay (west) Rustic Haven Bay, Wright State Bay, Breezwood Channel, Montezuma Silt trap, Sail Boat Club and several others. Tom said he is looking forward to a pilot study (Rapid Rewatering System) that will help reach the goal of 1000 cubic yards of material removed a day at Buckeye Lake. He said the study will begin on April 1st. Tom then showed a video that explains the process and shows the machinery working. Tom Rampe stood up to thank Tom Grabow for his work explaining that 11 years ago 80,000 Cubic yards was a big undertaking and now the expectation begins around 300,000 cubic yards removed, which is a huge accomplishment for his team.
Terry Mescher gave the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture update (SWCD). Terry said he is taking complaints of a foul smell in the south western part of the area. He said the complaints are a result of the cover crops decomposing after a warm January, which creates a foul smell. Terry then explained the transition of the SWCD over to the ODA. He explained that the move gives him more authority over violations for quicker enforcement actions with fines and other civil actions. Terry said his department will have several new positions coming available in the next few months. Terry explained the positions that are coming available in detail and advised the membership on where they can learn more and apply for the positions.
Jeff Vossler drew the winner of the 50/50.
The Members Meeting concluded at 11:40am
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association