LIA Membership Meeting

10:00 a.m. July 10, 2021

Celina Moose Lodge

Keith Westrick welcomed everyone present and everyone watching on facebook to the meeting. He asked everyone to stand for the pledge of allegiance.

Keith Westrick gave the treasurers report for Ted Bertke. Keith said there is roughly $48000.00 in the bank account.

Keith Wetrick talked about the new Scavenger Hunt held by the LIA on June 19th and 20th. He explained the family event and how to participate in it. Keith noted the prizes given to the participants. He said the event was well received and showed pictures of the event.

Keith Wetrick talked about the Barstool open with will be held on August 14, 2021. He said the LIA is looking for judges for the event and to contact Tom Rampe to sign up. The LIA is also looking for auction items.

Jeff Vossler talked about the West Beach Project and Northwood Light House. Jeff showed photos of the beach and the crew installing the aeration. Jeff thanked Shelly Co. and Vantilburgs for their efforts around the lighthouse. Jeff showed pictures of the lighthouse  and explained what is yet to be completed.

Stephen Jacqueman with Wright State Lake Campus gave a water quality report, which can be found on the LIA website and Facebook page.

Keith Wetrick gave the ODNR report for Dave Faler. He said lake level is at 1.75”. The campground has been full for 9 weeks. There will be a Wi-Fi hardware upgrade for the campground beginning soon. September 10 & 12 is the Fall Fest. Halloween is October 1-3. The LIA helped install new benches on West Bank. Dave wanted to note the lake toxins are falling since the warning signs went back up. If they continue to fall it is possible for the warning signs to be taken down again this summer. The lake water quality is better than it has been for 10 years and though it is unfortunate the algae bloomed, it was expected at some point and Dave is optimistic for the rest of the year.

Keith Wetrick gave the dredge report for Tom Grabow. The Coldwater Creek DMRA will be full after this pumping season. Pump a Little is at Montezuma Bay, Hoedag is finished at West Bank and campground. It will move to Sandy Beach next. Then it will work on channel mouths and silt traps the rest of the year. Tom is looking for available ground and encouraged people to call him.

Keith Westrick thanked everyone for attending the Boaters Beach Concert Series. He also wanted the thank Moose and Eagles for the Fireworks held over Fourth of July weekend.

Keith Westrick with the help of Jeff Vossler announced the winner of the 50/50. He then concluded the membership meeting.


Submitted by,

Eric Morris


Lake Improvement Association

